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Chemical Analyses of Soils and Rocks From Two High Elevation Study Areas in Colorado

By William R. Miller, Richard F. Sanzolone, and Paul J. Lamothe

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-106

Version 1.0

A preliminary investigation was carried out in Colorado to test if elements were being deposited at high elevations in two areas of Colorado, which form natural barriers to the winds. This investigation was designed to detect differences of element contents of soils collected on each side of a mountain ridge or peak. The assumption is that dust and aerosol-bearing winds buffet the high ridges and peaks of mountain ranges and some of the dust and aerosols will be deposited mostly on the windward side of the range. Soils formed in place on similar rock types would be elevated in some elements present in the dust and aerosols on the windward side of the ridge or peak relative to the leeward side. The two study areas are the Hayden Pass area in the Sangre de Cristo Range and the Pikes Peak area in the Rampart Range. Data is presented without interpretation.

The expected audience for the data will be government land planning and regulatory agencies.

OFR-03-106 PDF File (1.00 MB)
(This version of the report is accessible as defined in Section 508.) logo  Take Pride in America button