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Crustal Imaging and Characterization Team

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Development of Mineral Environmental Assessment Methodologies


Lead and Associate Project Chiefs

Name Phone E-mail Address (
Geoff Plumlee 303-236-1425 gplumlee
Robert R. Seal 703-648-6290 rseal

Project Members

A-B-C | D-E-F-G | H-I-J-K-L | M-N-O-P | Q-R-S | T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z

Name Phone E-mail Address (
Monique Adams 303-236-2402 madams
Charles Alpers 916-278-3134 cnalpers
Michael Anthony 303-236-1957 manthony
Laurie Balistrieri 206-543-8966 balistri
Nancy Bauch 303-236-4882 x231 njbauch
Paul Bedrosian 303-236-4834 pbedrosian
Willliam Benzel 303-236-2444 wbenzel
Karen Sue Bolm 520-670-5544 kbolm
Dana Bove 303-236-1557 dbove
George Breit 303-236-4951 gbreit
Thomas Chapin 303-236-5795 tchapin
LaDonna Choate 303-236-1241 lchoate
I-Ming Chou 703-648-6169 imchou
Stanley Church 303-236-1900 schurch
Paul Denning 303-236-1222 pdenning
Ed Dewitt 303-236-5636 edewitt
Sharon Diehl 303-236-1830 diehl
Rhonda Driscoll 303-236-5635 rdriscoll
David Fey 303-236-8923 dfey
Andrea Foster 650-329-5437 afoster
Michael Friedel 303-236-7790 mfriedel
Thomas Frost 509-368-3103 tfrost
Martin Goldhaber 303-236-1521 mgold
Matt Granitto 303-236-1412 granitto
Floyd Gray 520-670-5582 fgray
John Gray 303-236-2446 jgray
Gregory Green 303-236-5390 ggreen
Phil Hageman 303-236-2494 phageman
Gordon Haxel 928-556-7191 ghaxel
Dennis Helsel 303-236-5340 dhelsel
David John 650-329-5424 djohn
Raymond Johnson 303-236-1885 rhjohnso
Terry Klein 303-236-5605 tklein
Daniel Knepper 303-236-1385 dknepper
Paul Lamothe 303-236-1923 plamothe
William Langer 303-236-1249 blanger
Gregory Lee 303-236-2491 glee
William Langer 303-236-1249 blanger
Keith Long 520-670-5512 klong
Heather Lowers 303-236-1184 hlowers
Stephen Ludington 650-329-5371 slud
Andrew Manning 303-236-1812 amanning
Anne McCafferty 303-236-1397 anne
Robert McDougal 303-236-1854 rmcdouga
Laurie Morath 303-236-5361 lmorath
Suzette Morman 303-236-1205 smorman
Nadine Piatak 703-648-6254 npiatak
Barnaby Rockwell 303-236-1851 barnabyr
Carma San Juan 303-236-2450 csanjuan
Pat Shanks 303-236-2497 pshanks
Bruce D Smith 303-236-1399 bsmith
Kathleen Smith 303-236-5788 ksmith
Lisa Stillings 775-784-5803 stilling
Gregg Swayze 303-236-0925 gswayze
Todor Todorov 303-236-1243 ttodorov
Dorothy Trujillo 303-236-1709 dtrujillo
Brad Van Gosen 303-236-1566 bvangose
Alan Wallace 775-784-5789 alan
Bronwen Wang 907-786-7110 bwang
Richard Wanty 303-236-1819 rwanty
Ruth Wolf 303-236-2470 rwolf
Douglas Yager 303-236-2487 dyager

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