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Kenneth M. Cash


Picture of Kenneth Cash

M.S. Wildlife Ecology, Mississippi State University, Starkville. B.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Science, South Dakota State University, Brookings. Currently, Fishery Biologist and principal investigator in the Anadromous Fish Ecology section at the Columbia River Research Laboratory, Cook, Washington

Mr. Cash's research area is migrational behavior of juvenile salmonids, and the application of hydroacoustics and three-dimensional ultrasonic telemetry to study fish behavior. Current activities include evaluation of juvenile salmonid behavior upstream of Lower Granite Dam relative to the operation of juvenile fish collection and bypass systems and determining the influence of hydraulic conditions on the efficacy of these systems. Other studies include evaluation of spatial distribution of migrating juvenile salmonids in the forebay of Lower Granite Dam using hydroacoustic techniques

Representative Publications:

Cash, K. M., N. S. Adams, D. M. Faber, T. W. Hatton, E. C. Jones, R. J. Magie, and D. W. Rondorf. 2002. Three-dimensional fish tracking at Lower Granite Dam; field testing and validation in preparation of future application of this technology throughout the Columbia River basin. Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Contract W68SVB0010459, Walla Walla, Washington.

Cash, K. M., N. S. Adams, T. W. Hatton, E. C. Jones, and D.W. Rondorf. 2001. Three-dimensional fish tracking to evaluate the operation of the Lower Granite Surface Bypass Collector and Behavioral Guidance Structure during 2000. Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Contract W68SVB00104592, Walla Walla, Washington.

Cash, K. M., D. M. Faber, and T. J. Darland. 1998. Distribution of Juvenile Salmonids Detected by point sampling hydroacoustic surveys in the forebay of Lower Granite Dam. Pages 77-116. in Adams et al. 1998. Migrational characteristics of Juvenile spring chinook and steelhead in the forebay of Lower Granite Dam relative to the 1998 surface bypass collector and Behavioral Guidance Structure Tests. Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla, Washington.

Mailing Address:

U.S. Geological Survey
Western Fisheries Research Center
Columbia River Research Laboratory
5501-A Cook-Underwood Road
Cook, Washington 98605-9717

Phone: 509-538-2299 x267
Fax: 509-538-2843

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