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Erosion Yields in the Arroyo Chavez Basin, Rio Puerco Basin, New Mexico

Allen Gellis, U.S. Geological Survey
Scott Aby, Dixon, NM

Figure 12 Three major channels have cut and filled the Rio Puerco valley in the past 3,000 years (Love and Young, 1983; Love, 1986). Dates in two of these paleochannels are 2100 B.P. and 625-500 B.P., respectively. An interesting aspect of these cut-and-fill cycles is that the Rio Puerco channel filled to the same level in the valley it occupied prior to each cutting event. For example, by 1880 A.D., the Rio Puerco occupied the same level in the valley it had before its incision around 600 B.P. (Love, 1986); the Rio Puerco then incised in 1885 (Bryan, 1925). Recent surveys indicate that the Rio Puerco is in a cycle of aggradation (Elliott and others, 1998; Gellis and Elliott, 1998) (fig. 12). This raises interesting questions on what the sediment source(s) are for this filling and how does the system aggrade; presumably without a change in base level of the Rio Grande.

To examine possible sources of sediment in filling the Rio Puerco channel, a study quantifying a sediment budget for two subbasins of the Rio Puerco, the Arroyo Chavez (2.21 km2) and Volcano Hill Wash (9.13 km2 ), began in 1995. This paper describes the preliminary results of erosion and sediment yields for the Arroyo Chavez basin.

Topographic Setting
Figure 8 The portion of the Arroyo Chavez basin studied is located in the U.S. Geological Survey San Luis 1:24000 quadrangle map (fig.8). Rainfall measured for three years (1985-88) in the basin averaged 340 mm. A longer record of precipitation, 1941 to 1989, measured at Cuba, 40 km from Arroyo Chavez was 337 mm. Therefore, annual rainfall during the period of study were similar to long-term climatic records. Elevations in Arroyo Chavez range from 1,938 m to 2,021 m. Mesas and slopes are developed on interbedded sandstones and shales of the Menafee Fm.

A sediment budget for a drainage basin is based on the amount of sediment leaving that basin and an accounting of the sources of that sediment (Dietricht and Dunne, 1978; Swanson and others, 1982). An essential feature of a sediment budget is defining transport processes, storage elements, and linkages among the two (Swanson and others, 1982). A sediment budget carried out by Leopold and others (1966) for an ephemeral drainage outside of Santa Fe, NM, indicated that channels in most reaches were aggrading. Sheetwash was the largest source of this sediment accounting for the aggradation. The average rate of aggradation for all channels was 0.015 meters per year. At this rate of aggradation, the channel would completely fill to the level of the highest terrace in 100 to 200 years.

Figure 13 In the Arroyo Chavez basin the transport processes, storage elements, and linkages were defined for four geomorphic surfaces that describe the basin: mesa, side slope, fan, and alluvial valley floor (figs. 13 and 14). There are two alluvial valley floor surfaces: one is adjacent to the main channel, the other is in a tributary valley containing discontinuous channels. To quantify the sediment budget, collection of sediment in each element utilized various techniques (Table 1).

Sediment traps were used to quantify sheetwash and were based on a modified Gerlach Trough (Gerlach, 1967; Gellis, 1998). Sediment traps collected sediment and runoff during rainfall events. The length of the traps were 68 and 85 centimeters (cm) and the depth was 13 cm. To prevent precipitation from entering the trap directly, a lid made of sheet metal was fitted with a hinge to the back of the trap. One to three 1.27cm diameter holes were drilled into the side of the trap, and were connected by tubing to 18.9 liter collection buckets. The traps were installed flush to the ground surface with the opening parallel to the slope contour. The contributing area was bounded with metal edging. At each trap, single-ring infiltration tests were performed.

Sheetwash erosion and deposition was also quantified using nail/washer lines (Leopold and Others, 1966). Fifteen centimeter long nails were driven into the ground with washers placed on the ground surface. Erosion is measured as the increase in distance from the top of the washer to the top of the nail and deposition is measured as the amount of sediment deposited over the washer.

To quantify sediment yields at a larger scale than the sediment traps, straw dams were constructed in 1-2 order channels. At this larger scale, elements quantified in the contributing area to the dams included sheetwash, channel erosion, rilling, piping, gullying, and headcutting. The sediment pool upstream of the dam was dug out and periodically surveyed to quantify sediment volume.

Main channel and tributary erosion were quantified through resurveys of monumented channel cross sections (Emmett, 1965; Gellis, 1998). Bank erosion was measured using bank pins and maximum channel scour was measured using scour chains (Leopold and others, 1966).

To measure flow and suspended sediment, a USGS streamflow gaging station equipped with an automatic suspended-sediment sampler was installed. The automatic sampler was activated by stage and collected samples at set time intervals during a runoff event.

To measure the eolian contribution to the basin, eight collectors were installed. The collectors were 9.5 liter buckets attached to a pole 1.4 meters above the ground. The eolian design followed Reheis and Kihl (1995). A wire mesh was put at the top of the bucket and covered with marbles to mimic the ground surface. The marbles were rinsed during collection and the dust was brought back to the lab for drying.

Preliminary results are only available from the sediment traps, straw dams, sediment discharge at the streamflow station, and eolian collectors. The sediment traps and straw dams operated over different time periods. To normalize for this difference, sediment yields from the sediment traps and straw dams were calculated by taking the total volume of sediment, in kilograms, and dividing by the number of days in operation. This value was divided by the contributing area and multiplied by 365 days, to obtain sediment yield, in kilograms, per square meter, per 365 days.

Results indicate that the alluvial valley floor immediately adjacent to the main channel has the highest sediment yields, measured at straw dam 5 (5.48 kg/m2/365 days) and sediment traps 5a (3.03 kg/m2/365 days) and trap 5b (1.33 kg/m2/365 days)(Table 2). The alluvial valley floor is a gullied, piped surface with many headcuts working upgradient. Alluviation of the alluvial valley floor dates to about 5100 ybp (calibrated 14C age, Pavich, 1997). A major source of sediment in the Arroyo Chavez basin is this older sediment and as the Arroyo Chavez channel fills it is in a sense cannibalizing itself. The mesa and side slopes surfaces showed the lowest sediment yields ranging from 0.15 to 0.97 g/m2/365 days. The lowest sediment yield recorded for the traps was in trap 6 (0.12 kg/m 2/365 days) located in the tributary alluvial valley floor, a well grassed area.

Figure 15 Sediment yields from the sediment traps and straw dams show an increase in sediment yield with drainage area to around 300 m2 (fig. 15). Typically, sediment yield decreases with an increase in area as more sites in the basin are available for sediment storage (Schumm, 1977; Walling, 1983). Compared to a river basin scale, the drainage areas of sediment yields quantified in the sediment traps and straw dams are relatively small and therefore, sediment storage sites are minimal.

Suspended-sediment discharge measured at the mouth of the basin from October 1, 1996 to September 30, 1997, indicated that 2,350 metric tons of suspended sediment were transported. This amount of transported sediment is analogous to 1.06 kg/m2/yr. Using a value of 1442 kg/m3 for the density of soil, the average values of surface erosion measured from the straw dams and sediment traps range from 0.023 to 2.1 mm per 365 days (Table 2). These values of surface erosion are within values of surface erosion and denudation rates reported for the Southwest, which range from 0.005 mm to 7.3 mm (Table 3). The erosion rates from this study are within denudation rates reported at geologic time scales(>1Ma)(Table 3).

The eolian collectors were sampled three times between July 20, 1996, to March 25, 1998. The total mass sampled for this time period ranged from 1.47 to 3.84 grams (Table 3). The mass of eolian dust was divided by the number of days between collection and multiplying by 365 to obtain an annual rate (g/m2/365 days). This annual rate applied to the area of Arroyo Chavez basin indicates the total eolian contribution would range from 11 to 26.6 metric tons. This value of eolian deposition is 4.7 to 11.3 percent of the total suspended-sediment transported out of the Arroyo Chavez basin from 10/1/1996 to 9/30/97 (2,350 metric tons), and is therefore an important component of the sediment budget.

The Rio Puerco has cut and filled its channel three times in the last 3,000 years. An important question is what is the sediment source for this channel fill? To address this question, a sediment budget study was initiated in the Arroyo Chavez basin in 1995. The objective of the sediment budget was to quantify rates of erosion and deposition on the main geomorphic surfaces in the basin: mesa, side slope, fan, and alluvial valley floor. Results are available for erosion yields measured at straw dams and sediment traps, eolian flux, and suspended-sediment discharge measured at the mouth of the basin.

A major source of sediment in the Arroyo Chavez basin is the alluvial valley floor adjacent to the main channel which has sediment yields of 1.33 to 5.48 kg/m2/365 days. The alluvial valley floor is an area of gullying, piping, and headcutting. The lowest sediment yield of 0.12 kg/m2/365 days was measured in a tributary alluvial valley containing discontinuous channels. The tributary valley floor is a well grassed area.

Surface lowering rates estimated from the straw dams and sediment traps indicate rates from 0.023 to 2.1 mm/365 days. These values are within rates reported for the Southwest, which range from 0.005 to 7.3 mm. The eolian contribution of sediment to the Arroyo Chavez basin was measured at 7 sites. The eolian flux to the basin ranged from 4.99 to 12.0 g/m2/365 days. This value of eolian deposition is 4.7 to 11.3 percent of the total sediment discharge transported out of the Arroyo Chavez basin and is therefore an important component of the sediment budget.

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Dethier, D.P., Harrington, C.D., and Aldrich, M.J., 1988, Late Cenozoic rates of erosion in the western Espanola basin, New Mexico--Evidence from geologic dating of erosion surfaces: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.100, p.928-937.

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Emmett, W.W., 1965, The Vigil Network--Methods of measurement and a sampling of data collected: In, Symposium of Budapest, IAHS Publication no. 66, p. 89-106.

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Gellis, A.C., 1998, Characterization and evaluation of channel and hillslope erosion on the Zuni Reservation, 1992-95: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation 97-4292, 12 p.

Gerlach, T., 1967, Hillslope troughs for measuring sediment movement: Revue Geomorphologie Dynamique, v. 4, p. 1

Gustavson, T.C., Finley, R.J., and Baumgardner, R.W.Jr., 1981, Retreat of the Caprock Escarpment and denudation of the Rolling Plains in the Texas Panhandle: Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, v.18, no.4., p.413-422.

Leopold, L. B., W. W. Emmett, and R. M. Myrick, 1966. Channel and hillslope processes in a semiarid area, New Mexico. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper :352G.

Love, D.W., and Young, J.D., 1983, Progress report on the late Cenozoic geologic evolution of the lower Rio Puerco: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 34th field conference, Socorro Region II, p. 277-284.

Love, D.W., 1986, A geological perspective of sediment storage and delivery along the Rio Puerco: In, drainage basin sediment delivery, Hadley, R.F., ed., IAHS Publication 159, p. 305-322.

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Schumm, S.A., 1977, The fluvial system: John Wiley and sons, 338 pp.

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Table 1. Instrumentation used to quantify the geomorphic elements in figures 13 and 14.

Mesa Sheetwash Sediment Traps
Nail/Washer Lines
Mesa Mass Movement Painted Rocks
Rock Nets
Mesa & Side Slope Sheetwash; Channel Erosion Straw Dams
Side Slope Channel Erosion and Deposition Nail/Washer Lines
Side Slope Sheetwash Sediment Traps
Nail/Washer Lines
Fan Channel Erosion and Deposition Benchmarked Channel Cross Sections
Fan Bank Erosion Bank Pins
Fan Sheetwash Sediment Traps
Nail/Washer Lines
Terrace Rilling, Gullying, Piping, Sheetwash Straw Dams
Terrace Sheetwash Sediment Traps
Nail/Washer Lines
Terrace Tributary and Main Channel Erosion and Deposition Benchmarked Channel Cross Sections; Scour Chain
Terrace Bank Erosion Bank Pins
Entire Basin Eolian Flux Eolian Traps
Entire Basin Precipitation Manual Raingage; Tipping Bucket Raingages
Main Channel Sediment Discharge Streamflow Measurement and Suspended-Sediment Sampling

Table 2. Values of erosion reported in this study.
A - Sediment Yields
Mesa and Side Slope Straw Dam 1 8/1/95 to 8/3/98 2,276 3,101 0.45 0.029
Mesa Straw Dam 2 8/1/95 to 11/5/97 1,354 1,718 0.56 0.036
Mesa and Side Slope Straw Dam 3 8/1/95 to 9/17/97 541 1,120 0.97 0.063
Alluvial Valley Floor Straw Dam 5 4/17/96 to 9/17/97 245 4,029 11.59 0.75
Mesa Trap 1 6/27/96 to 3/18/98 36.7 12.9 0.20 0.14
Side Slope Trap 2 6/27/96 to 3/18/98 7.93 2.98 0.22 0.15
Mesa Trap 3 6/27/96 to 3/18/98 35.3 17.0 0.28 0.20
Fan Surface Trap 4 6/27/96 to 3/18/98 27.4 32.4 0.68 0.48
Alluvial Valley Floor Trap 5a 6/27/96 to 3/18/98 27.3 143 3.03 2.10
Alluvial Valley Floor Trap 5b 12/3/96 to 11/12/97 0.84 1.05 1.33 0.92
Discontinuous Valley Floor Trap 6 7/2/96 to 3/18/98 6.38 1.28 0.12 0.084
Discontinuous Valley Side Slope Trap 7 7/2/96 to 3/18/98 27.6 9.10 0.19 0.13
Side Slope Trap 8 6/27/96 to 3/18/98 21.8 5.70 0.15 0.11
Arroyo Chavez Basin Sediment Station 10/1/96 to 9/30/97 2.21 x 106 2.35 x 106 1.06
Rio Puerco at Bernardo Sediment Station 10/1/47 to 9/30/96 16.1 x 109

B - Eolian Yields
ET-1 7/20/96-3/25/98 2.78 7.91
ET-3 7/20/96-3/25/98 2.70 7.70
ET-4 7/20/96-4/16/97
1.47 4.99
ET-5 7/20/96-3/25/98 3.23 9.19
ET-6 7/20/96-3/25/98 3.29 9.36
ET-7 7/20/96-3/25/98 3.84 10.9
ET-8 7/20/96-3/25/98 3.13 12.0

Table 3. Surface erosion rates and denudation rates from studies conducted in the Southwest

Jemez Mountains, New Mexico 1.14 Ma 0.005 to 0.011 Rhyolitic volcanic rocks Cosmogenic Nuclides Albrecht and others, 1993
Jemez Mountains, New Mexico 10/1977 to 11/1978 0.8 to 7.3 Rhyolitic volcanic rocks Erosion Pins White and Wells, 1979
Western Espanola Basin, New Mexico 1.1 Ma 0.1 Weakly lithified Sandstone Hypsometric Dethier and others, 1988
Western Espanola Basin, New Mexico 1.1 Ma 0.07 Indurated tuff/boulder gravel Hypsometric Dethier and others, 1988
Western Espanola Basin, New Mexico 1.1 Ma 0.04 Indurated tuff/basalt Hypsometric Dethier and others, 1988
Red River Basin, Texas 3 Ma 0.47 Poorly consolidated shales, siltstones, and sandstones Hypsometric Gustavson and others, 1981
Red River Basin, Texas 10/1978-9/1979 0.13 to 2.97 Poorly consolidated shales, siltstones, and sandstones Suspended-Sediment Analysis and Reservoir Sedimentation Rates Gustavson and others, 1981
Rio Puerco Basin, New Mexico 1 Ma 0.1 Sandstone Cosmogenic Nuclides Clapp, Pavich and Bierman, Unpublished Data
Arroyo de los Frijoles Basin, Santa Fe, New Mexico 1961 to 1993 0.19 to 0.96 Unconsolidated gravel, sand, and silt Erosion Pins Gellis, Emmett, and Leopold, Unpublished Data
Arroyo Chavez, Rio Puerco basin 1995-1998 0.03 to 2.1 (*) Sandstone and Shale Straw Dams and Sediment Traps This Study (*rate mm/ 365 days)

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
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Maintained by Richard Pelltier
Last modified: 14:42:17 on 15-Mar-2006