Rio Puerco Online
Historic Photos and 
Repeat Photography

Click on a dot to view photos taken at that location.
Note: Red dots indicate locations with one photo pair.
Blue dots indicate locations with multiple photo pairs.

Map of Photo Locations Schrader 1289 Schrader 1284, 1285 Hunt 112 Hunt 257 Hunt 109 Hunt 106 hunt 97 a/b USGS 6th Annual Report page 170 Lee 776 Schrader 1253, 1254, 1255; Leopold 1, 2, 3 Hunt 121 a/b Lee 708 Hunt 239 Stanton 791 Stanton 793 Hunt 247 Hunt 254 Hunt 251 Darton 1599/1600 Stanton 795 Schrader 1256, 1257 Lee 697 Schrader 1270, 1271; Stanton 794; Lee 777; Leopold 4 Lee 696, Schrader 1258, 1259, 1260,
1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1267; Hunt 240, 242, 248, 249/250

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All photos come from the USGS Photographic Library, Denver, Colorado, except where noted. If you would like to contribute photographs to this online collection, please contact the webmaster.

Latitude and Longitude measurements given in decimal minutes were taken with a Magellan NAV 5000 GPS unit; those given in degrees/minutes/seconds were taken from topographic quadrangles and have an error of about +/- 15 seconds.

Not much information is available on what each photographer was doing in the Rio Puerco. The following information is inferred from the figure captions available at the USGS photo archives in Denver.

  • Schrader appears to have been most interested in the stratigraphy of coal-bearing rocks in the Puerco basin, although he also made special note of the volcanic necks in the area and "peneplaination."

  • T.W. Stanton researched the biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic rocks in the Puerco basin.

  • W.T. Lee was in this area studying the stratigraphic relations and fossils of the Mesozoic rocks that underly much of the Rio Puerco Basin. His research (with some photographs) was published as United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 101 in 1917.

  • C.B. Hunt was part of a team working on "Fuels Project #5" in 1931-2.

  • Leopold rephotographed many sites in the Southwest as research for the article "Vegetation of Southwestern Watersheds in the Nineteenth Century" published in Geographical Review, Vol. XLI in 1951.

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
This page is
Maintained by Richard Pelltier
Last modified: 14:42:15 on 15-Mar-2006