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8(a) STARS 8(a) STARS Business Categories by Functional Area

Howard Innis
(816) 823-4658

Misty Claypole
(816) 823-3346

Aletha Pelham
(816) 823-2456

The following table is a listing of the business categories by Functional Area (FA) under the 8(a) STARS governmentwide acquisition contract. The business categories shown are a representative sample of solutions covered by the corresponding FA. For complete definitions of the North American Industry Codes, please visit the Census Bureau website.

FA1, FA2, FA3, FA4, FA5, FA6, FA7, FA8


Functional Area 1

NAICS 541511 - Custom Computer Programming Services

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in writing, modifying, testing, and supporting software to meet the needs of a particular customer.

 Business Categories  Business Categories
Applications Software Programming Services Legacy Interfaces/Data Migration
Computer Program or Software Development Software Analysis and Design
Computer Programming Services Software Programming
Computer Software Support Services Software Testing
Database Design/Generation Web Design

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Functional Area 2

NAICS 541512 - Computer Systems Design Services

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in planning and designing computer systems that integrate computer hardware, software, and communication technologies. The hardware and software components of the system may be provided by this establishment or company as part of integrated services or may be provided by third parties or vendors. These establishments often install the system and train and support users of the system.

 Business Categories  Business Categories
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Configuration Management
Cabling & Wiring Enterprise Architecture Development
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Services Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) Services IT Capital Planning Management
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Services LAN/WAN Design
Computer Hardware Consulting Services Network Design & Installation
Computer Software Consulting Services Network Systems Integration
Computer Systems Integration Analysis and Design Systems Analysis
Computer Systems Integration Design and Consulting Systems Integration

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Functional Area 3

NAICS 541513 - Computer Facilities Management Services

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing onsite management of and operation of clients' computer systems and/or data processing facilities. Establishments providing computer systems or data processing support services are included in this industry.

 Business Categories  Business Categories
Computer Operations/Support Hardware/Software Maintenance
Computer Systems Facilities Services Help Desk
Data Processing Facilities Services IT Facilities Management, Operation, & Support
End User Support IT Facilities Planning
Equipment Inventory & Maintenance Network Management

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Functional Area 4

NAICS 518210 - Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for hosting or data processing services. These establishments may provide specialized hosting activities, such as web hosting, streaming services or application for hosting, provide application service provisioning, or may provide general time-share mainframe facilities to clients. Data processing establishments provide complete processing and specialized reports from data supplied by clients or provide automated data processing and data entry services.

 Business Categories  Business Categories
Application Hosting Document Imaging
Application Service Providers (ASPs) Electronic Data Processing
Automated Data Processing Media Streaming
Computer Input Preparation Microfiche/Microfilm Services
Data Capture Imaging Services Scanning Services
Data Entry Services Storage Area Networks
Data Processing Web Hosting
Data Warehousing  

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Functional Area 5

NAICS 541519 - Other Computer Related Services

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing computer related services (except custom programming, systems integration design, and facilities management services). Establishments providing computer disaster recovery services or software installation services are included in this industry.

 Business Categories  Business Categories
Computer Disaster Recovery Information Assurance and Security
Contingency Planning Independent Verification & Validation
Disaster Preparedness/Recovery Software Installation
Documentation Virus Detection/Recovery

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Functional Area 6

NAICS 516110 - Internet Publishing and Broadcasting

This industry comprises establishments engaged in publishing and/or broadcasting content on the Internet exclusively. These establishments do not provide traditional (non-internet) versions of the content that they publish or broadcast. Establishments in this industry provide textual, audio, and/or video content of general or specific interest on the Internet.

 Business Categories  Business Categories
Broadcasting, exclusively on the Internet Special Interest Portals
Internet Broadcasting Video Broadcasting, exclusively on the Internet
Internet Video Broadcast Web Broadcasting

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Functional Area 7

NAICS 519190 - All Other Information Services

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing other information services (except news syndicates and libraries and archives).

 Business Categories  Business Categories
Call Centers Telephone-Based Recorded Information Services
Distance Learning Video Conferencing

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Functional Area 8

NAICS 517110 - Wired Telecommunications Carriers

This industry comprises establishments engaged in (1) operating and maintaining switching and transmission facilities to provide point-to-point communications via landlines, microwave, or a combination of landlines and satellite linkups or (2) furnishing telegraph and other non-vocal communications using their own facilities.

 Business Categories  Business Categories

Facilities-Based Telecommunications Carriers (except wireless)

Telecommunications Networks
Local Telephone Carriers (except wireless) Telegram Services
Long-Distance Telephone Carriers Telephone Installation Services
Telecommunications Carriers  

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