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This day in History with liberty bell icon
6 November 
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States.
Mindbenders with brain icon
A mountain goat attempts to scale a cliff sixty feet high. Every minute, the goat bounds upward three feet but slips back two.  How long does it take for the goat to reach the top?
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Student Poll with check mark icon
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Welcome to the NCES Kids' Zone

The NCES Kids' Zone provides information to help you learn about schools; decide on a college; find a public library; engage in several games, quizzes and skill building about math, probability, graphing, and mathematicians; and to learn many interesting facts about education.

Did you Know?

Enrollment in prekindergarten through grade 8 increased 9% between 1992 and 2005; and is projected to increase an additional 12% between 2005 and 2017. (more info)

The Word of the Day

ostracize -(v.).To banish or exclude from a group, as in disgrace or disfavor: shun.

The Quote of the Day

"We are born weak, we need strength; helpless, we need aid; foolish, we need reason. All that we lack at birth, all that we need when we come to man's estate, is the gift of education."- Jean Jacques Rousseau


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