Nebraska Water Science Center

Picture of the Platte River from the air.

Central Nebraska Basins NAWQA Study Unit
Ecology Studies for the CNBR NAWQA

Ecological sampling in the CNBR during the 2002-2004 intensive-study period includes the single-reach assessments at four surface-water trends sites, multi-reach assessments at three surface-water trends sites, and the Nutrient Enrichment Effects topical study on aquatic ecosystems.

Surface-Water Trends Network

Ecological sampling at three trends-network sites (map) will include the primary sampling reach and two replicate reaches. Sites include Dismal River near Thedford, Maple Creek near Nickerson, and Elkhorn River at Waterloo. Sampling at one trends-network site (Platte River at Louisville) will be limited to the primary sampling reach. NAWQA standard ecological methods (Fitzpatrick and others, 1998; Moulton and others, 2002) will be used for reach assessment. Each reach assessment will include sampling for the identification of fish, invertebrate, and algae community structure and physical habitat assessment. The CNBR ecological studies sampling will target low flow conditions during the late summer (Aug. 1 – Sept. 15).

Additional data for each sampling site, at the stream segment scale, is being compiled from existing topographic maps and digital orthophoto imagery. Segment characterization for NAWQA sampling sites also is described in Fitzpatrick and others, 1998

Photos of Ecological Trends Field Work

Click on the respective photo number to bring up each image for viewing:

Photo1. Photo2. Multiple methods and multiple passes were used to collect fish at each sampling reach.

Photo3. Photo4. Photo5. Fish identification, weighing, and measuring are done on site to minimize adverse effects on captured and released fish.

Photo6. Photo7. Habitat characterization includes measurement of channel and riparian features of morphology, streamflow, substrate, and vegetation.

Nutrient Enrichment Effects Topical Study

The Nutrient Enrichment Effects topical (NEET) study is described elsewhere on the CNBR web site, and in a proceedings paper


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