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North Dakota 2002 Grant Abstract
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Grantee: Grand Forks Public School District #1, Grand Forks, ND
Project Name: Engaging Students in Historical Inquiry
Project Director: Cindy Grabe (701) 746-2200
Funding: $940,096
Number of Teachers Served: 310
Number of School Districts Served: 1
Number of Students Served: No information available

This effort to enhance American history teaching assumes that students should be involved in activities similar to historians': exposure to primary sources requiring data collection, analysis and explanation. To better prepare teachers for engaging students in inquiry tasks, the district is partnering with the University of North Dakota, North Dakota Teaching Center Network, and State Historical Society on a program for 35 history teachers in grades 4, 8, and 11 and 250-300 pre-service teachers. Activities include a review of history standards and benchmarks, summer academies, in-service workshops, and development of web-delivered learning modules. Mentoring will be provided to all local history teachers in the 2nd year of the 3-year project, and the project later offered to all 220 school districts in North Dakota.

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Last Modified: 02/14/2008

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