PubMed Tutorial

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Preview / Index (continued)

If you wish to view the Index of a particular field:

  • Click the All Fields pull-down menu on the Add Term(s) to Query or View Index section of the screen to select a field.
  • Type a term into the text box.
  • Click Index to display the part of the Index where the term would appear alphabetically.

    [Show Me]

The result is an alphabetical listing of terms displayed in a scrollable window. The number of citations in PubMed that contain the search term appear in parentheses to the right of the term. Moving through the list can be accomplished by using the scroll bar or by clicking the Up and Down buttons.

  • Click on a term to highlight it.
  • Click on the AND, OR, or NOT buttons to add the term to your strategy.
  • Multiple selections can be made by holding down the Ctrl key (PC) or the Command key (Mac) and clicking on the individual terms.


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Last Updated August 29, 2005
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