PubMed Tutorial

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Send to RSS Feed

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based format used to send new items or information to recipients who use RSS feed readers. The Send to RSS function in PubMed allows you to generate an RSS feed of a PubMed search to display new results, with links back to the citations in PubMed.

Click the Steps to run the demonstration.

To create an RSS feed and enter it into a feed reader:

After you have run the search you want to use:

  • Step 1 : Click on Send to RSS Feed.

  • Step 2 : Choose the number of items to be sent daily to the feed reader, and rename the feed, if desired. Click on Create Feed.

  • Step 3 : Click on the orange XML icon, and copy the URL in the address box of the resulting browser window to your feed reader. Alternatively, some RSS feed readers allow you to drag and drop the XML icon onto the feed reader interface. Follow the instructions of your feed reader software .

Note that if you prefer to receive new results from your PubMed search in your e-mail, use the Save Search feature of My NCBI.

That completes our look at the action bar selections. You now have an opportunity to test your knowledge of working with search results. Click Next when you are ready to continue.

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Last Updated September 13, 2006
     Click Next to go to the Review Exercises, or make another selection.