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The Ninth Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau

9th Bicentennial Conference Logo Integrating Science and Management on the Colorado Plateau

Clients Day - Monday October 29

Clients' Day will consist of meetings by and for conferences attendees. Scheduled meetings and workshops for Clients' Day include:

Building a Colorado Plateau - "All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory" Program organized by Neil Cobb. View Agenda -- .pdf format (21 KB)

Building Research and Education Collaborations among Tribal Colleges, Universities, and Agencies organized by Marnie Carroll and Barb Cline. View Agenda -- .pdf format (10 KB)

Selection of an alternative for CPCSEU partnership cooperation organized by Ron Hiebert and Dave Ostergren.

Purpose: The purpose of the workshop would be to come to agreement on a plan of action for a cross-boundary interdisciplinary program for the next 3-5 years. The group will build upon the discussions from the partners meeting in Albuquerque in May, 2007. A team will be selected from the workshop participants to develop a detailed action plan.
Format: Each federal agency representative will develop and share with the CPCESU partners an alternative for action. Through facilitated discussion, select an alternative or modify an alternative that all of the Federal partners can support and that will not duplicate but will add to the value of current efforts. The selected alternative will be provided to the speakers in the CPCESU sponsored symposium for the conference.
Products: A well defined statement of the selected issue and proposed actions to be undertaken by the CPCESU partners. Development of a process and timeline for an action plan

Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CPCESU) Partners Social organized by Ron Hiebert. This evening social will provide an opportunity for CPCESU members to interact. This social is open to invited members and partners of the CPCESU.