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Wage and Hour Division (WHD)

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Wage and Hour Division - To promote and achieve compliance with labor standards to protect and enhance the welfare of the nation's workforce.

The 2000 survey report

Statement from former Secretary of Labor Herman [PDF; 123 Kb]

Table of Contents [PDF; 181 Kb]

Foreword [PDF; 180 Kb]

1 - Background [PDF; 316 Kb]

1.1. - Purpose of the Report
1.2. - Overview of the Report
1.3. - Survey Procedures and Analytic Strategies
1.4. - Changes in the Workforce Since the 1995 Study
1.5 - History of the FMLA Legislation
1.6. - Major Findings of the 1996 Report
1.7. - Conclusion

2 - Employees’ Use of Leave [PDF; 335 Kb]

2.1 - Describing Employees Taking Leave for Family or Medical Reasons
2.1.1 - The Amount of Family and Medical Leave Taken
2.1.2 - Reasons for Taking Leave
2.1.3 - Describing Leave-Takers
2.1.4 - Changes in Leave-Taking Within Groups
2.1.5 - Taking Intermittent Leave
2.2 - Employees Who Needed Leave, but Could Not Take It
2.2.1 - Amount of Leave Needed
2.2.2 - Reasons for Needing Leave
2.2.3 - Leave-Needer Demographics
2.2.4 - Reasons for Not Taking Leave
2.3 - Summary

3 - Use of the FMLA [PDF; 330 Kb]

3.1 - Coverage of Establishments and Employees Under the FMLA
3.2 - Employees Eligible for Leave Under the FMLA
3.2.1 - Estimates of the Number of Eligible Employees
3.2.2 - Characteristics of Eligible Employees
3.3 - Coverage and Eligibility of Leave-Takers
3.4 - Awareness of the FMLA
3.4.1 - Current Employee Awareness of the FMLA
3.4.2 - Current Establishment Awareness of the FMLA
3.4.3 - Changes in Awareness of the FMLA Since 1995
3.5 - Use of Leave Under the FMLA
3.5.1 - Estimates of the Number of Employees Taking FMLA Leave
3.5.2 - Reasons for Taking Leave Under the FMLA
3.5.3 - Returning to Work After FMLA Leave
3.6 - Summary

4 - Impact of Family and Medical Leave on Employees [PDF; 336 Kb]

4.1 - Circumstances Surrounding the Use of Leave
4.2 - Financial Issues
4.2.1 - Loss of Job Benefits During Leave
4.2.2 - Paid Leave Versus Unpaid Leave
4.2.3 - Impact of Pay Loss on Leave-Takers
4.3 - Impact of Leave on the Well-Being of Employees and Families
4.4 - Circumstances Surrounding the Employee’s Return to Work
4.5 - Denial of Leave
4.6 - Use of Leave by Employees with Young Children
4.7 - Employee Views of FMLA Leave and the Impact of Leave on Co-workers
4.8 - Summary

5 - Family and Medical Leave Policies and Practices of U.S. Establishments [PDF; 327 Kb]

5.1 - Provision of Benefits Consistent with the FMLA
5.1.1 - Policies for Leave for Family and Medical Reasons
5.1.2 - Policies for Continuation of Health Care Benefits During Leave
5.1.3 - Policies for Guarantee of Job Upon Return From Leave
5.2 - Provision of Additional Benefits Beyond Those Consistent with FMLA
5.2.1 - Policies for Expanded Leave
5.2.2 - Policies for Continuation of Pay During Leave
5.2.3 - Policies for Continuation of Other Benefits During Leave
5.2.4 - Policies for Additional Work-Life Benefits
5.3 - Summary

6 - Administering Family and Medical Leave by Covered Establishments [PDF; 324 Kb]

6.1 - Establishment Practices for Administering FMLA
6.1.1 - Learning and Informing About FMLA
6.1.2 - Managing Employee Use of FMLA
6.2 - Impact of FMLA on Establishments
6.2.1 - Usefulness of FMLA Provisions for Managing Use of FMLA Leave
6.2.2 - Ease of Administration
6.2.3 - Effects of FMLA on Establishments and Employees
6.2.4 - Establishment Costs
6.3 - Summary

7 - Impact of Family and Medical Leave on Non-covered Establishments [PDF; 330 Kb]

7.1 - Non-covered Establishments and Their Family and Medical Leave Policies
7.1.1 - Establishment Characteristics
7.1.2 - Family and Medical Leave Policies
7.1.3 - Managing Family and Medical Leave Use
7.2 - Impact of Current Family and Medical Leave Policies
7.3 - Implications of Expanding the FMLA to Smaller Establishments
7.3.1 - Anticipated Impact of Complying With the FMLA
7.3.2 - Comparison of Non-covered Establishments with 25 to 49
Employees to Covered Establishments with 50 to 99 Employees

7.4 - Summary

8 - Summary and Conclusions [PDF; 184 Kb]

8.1 - Methods
8.2 - Major Findings
8.3 - Conclusions and Next Steps


Appendix A-1 - Tables Displayed in Text [PDF; 368 Kb]
Appendix A-2 - Tables Not Displayed in Text [PDF; 530 Kb]
Appendix B-1 - Standard Errors for Tables Displayed in Text [PDF; 384 Kb]
Appendix B-2 - Standard Errors for Tables Not Displayed in Text [PDF; 606 Kb]
Appendix C - Methodological Issues [PDF; 111 Kb]
Appendix D - Employee Survey Materials [PDF; 560 Kb]
Appendix E - Establishment Survey Materials [PDF; 304 Kb]
Appendix F - FMLA Compliance Guide [PDF; 220 Kb]

List of Tables and Figures


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