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Radiation Emergencies
Emergency Response:

Above-Ground Nuclear Blast Resources

Emergency Preparedness
and Response

Below are additional sources of information about above-ground nuclear weapons testing.

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Web Sites Exit EPA Disclaimer

Nevada Atmospheric Testing Fallout
National Cancer Institute report focusing on estimated exposures and thyroid doses to the American population from iodine-131 in fallout from atmospheric nuclear testing in Nevada.

Photos: Nuclear Testing
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection photos of nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site.

Fallout Effects on Southern Utah
Utah Department of Environmental Quality information about the impacts of radioactive fallout on southern Utah.

Fallout Report Fact Sheet
Observations and interpretations by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research on the Progress Report to Congress, A Feasibility Study of the Health Consequences to the American Population of Nuclear Weapons Tests conducted by the United States and other Nations.

Nevada Test Site History
Historical perspective on the Nevada Test Site provided by the U.S. Department of Energy. Also of interest:

U.S. Department of Energy Russian Health Effects Study
Established in 1994 to assess worker and public health risks from radiation exposure resulting from nuclear weapons production activities in the former Soviet Union.

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Analytical Capability of the Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System"
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility, Montgomery, Alabama. September 1983. [EPA 520/5-83-024].

A Feasibility Study of the Health Consequences to the American Population of Nuclear Weapons Tests Conducted by the United States and other Nations (PDF) (10 pp, 646K [about pdf format]) Exit EPA Disclaimer

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute. August 2001.

EPA Assessment of Fallout in the United States from Atmospheric Nuclear Testing on September 26 and November 17, 1976 by the People's Republic of China" (PDF),(134 pp, 5,202 Kb [about pdf format]) Strong, Ann B., Smith, J. Michael (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility, Montgomery, Alabama). (August 1977). [EPA-520/5-77-002, 22 Jan. 2004]

Historical Summary of Strontium in Milk Surrounding the New Jersey/New York Metropolitan Area." EPA National Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory. (2001)

Oklahoma Geological Survey Observatory Catalog of Nuclear Explosions Exit EPA DisclaimerLast modified July 14, 1998. Last accessed May 5, 2002

Projected Dose Commitment from Fallout Contamination in Milk Resulting from the 1976 Chinese Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Test,Health Physics, 40. Pages 741-744. Simpson, R. E., Shuman, F.G.D., Baratta, E. J. and Tanner, J. T. (1981).

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