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Operator Certification Working Group

Executive Summary

"The Partnership"
August 28-29 Meeting

I. Background

The third meeting of the National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC) Operator Certification Working Group (the Partnership) was held on August 28-29, 1997, in Washington, D.C. Nineteen working group members were present for both days, one member was present for one of the two days, and one member participated by teleconference on the 28th. Members Crawford and Sass were unable to attend either day.

II. Meeting Summary

The Partnership reviewed and provided comments on the draft cover letter for the information package for States, the new foreword to the Association of Boards of Certification Document-Operator Certification Program Standards, the Summary of Existing Operator Certification Programs, and the Summary of Programs by Category. Overall, there were few requested changes to the documents. These changes will be made, and final drafts will be presented to the Partnership.

The State/EPA workgroup completed and presented to the Partnership all nine of the issue papers on the recommended standards for their review and comment. These are: Authorization; Classification of Systems, Facilities, and Operators; and Operator Qualifications; Renewal; Recertification; Resources Needed to Implement a Program; Stakeholder Involvement; Enforcement; and Program Review. To facilitate the discussion of the issue papers, a summary of the State/EPA workgroup meetings was prepared and presented to the Partnership in an unbiased fashion. The summary detailed all of the considerations that went into the development of the papers.

The Partnership reconsidered the first three papers which dealt with Authorization; Classification of Systems, Facilities, and Operators; and Operator Qualifications. Whenever optional language was recommended, a poll was taken on the various options presented.

The majority of the meeting was devoted to an in-depth discussion of the coverage issues that were incorporated in the revised issue paper on Classification of Systems, Facilities, and Operators, and additional language on grandparenting which was added to the Operator Qualifications paper. The Partnership also completed its review of the new issue paper on Enforcement, providing editorial comments, as well as a unanimous request to have the term Primacy Agency defined to include cases where a State does not have primacy, such as Wyoming.

III. Next Steps

The Partnership has scheduled a meeting for September 22-23 in Washington, D.C. to review and comment on the remaining issue papers.

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