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Number of Pension Plans, Total Participants, Active Participants, Assets, Contributions, and Benefits
by type of plan, 1995
Type of Plan Number of Plans1/ Total Participants
Active Participants
Total Assets
Total Contributions
Total Benefits
TOTAL 693,404 87,452 66,193 $2,723,735 $158,832 $183,025
Defined benefit 69,492 39,736 23,531 1,402,079 41,423 85,134
Defined contribution 623,912 47,716 42,662 1,321,657 117,409 97,892
Profit sharing and
482,789 38,009 34,131 1,094,592 100,284 81,891
Stock bonus 4,799 3,578 3,152 85,996 6,660 5,968
Target benefit 7,018 160 151 5,056 374 524
Money purchase 107,816 4,774 4,201 117,827 8,832 8,182
13,823 100 95 666 86 70
Custodial account-
1,342 12 11 215 30 10
IRAs or annuities
(Code 408)
1,205 33 29 728 54 47
Other defined contribution 5,122 1,051 892 16,577 1,090 1,200

1/ Excludes plans covering only one participant.
2/ Includes active, retired, and separated vested participants not yet in pay status. The number of participants also includes double counting of workers in more than one plan.
3/ Active participants include any workers currently in employment covered by a plan and who are earning or retaining credited service under a plan. Active participants also include nonvested former employees who have not yet incurred a break in service.
4/ Total asset amounts shown exclude funds held by life insurance companies under allocated group insurance contracts for payment of retirement benefits. These excluded funds make up roughly 10 to 15 percent of total pension fund assets.
5/ Includes both employer and employee contributions.
6/ Amounts shown include both benefits paid directly from trust funds and premium payments made by plans to insurance carriers. Amounts exclude benefits made directly by insurance carriers.

SOURCE: Form 5500 series reports filed with the Internal Revenue Service for plan years beginning in 1995.

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