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Pension Plan Benefits Disbursed from Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-951/
(amounts in millions)
Year Total Plans Single Employer Plans2/ Multiemployer Plans3/
Total Defined
Total Defined
Total Defined
1975 $16,918 $12,017 $4,901 $14,416 $9,575 $4,841 $2,501 $2,442 $60
1976 18,573 13,063 5,510 15,613 10,180 5,433 2,960 2,883 77
1977 20,230 14,206 6,024 17,274 11,345 5,929 2,956 2,860 95
1978 23,129 16,369 6,760 19,877 13,214 6,663 3,252 3,155 97
1979 25,066 17,246 7,820 21,686 13,966 7,720 3,380 3,279 101
1980 30,157 20,072 10,085 26,399 16,480 9,919 3,758 3,592 166
1981 37,762 24,545 13,217 33,341 20,247 13,094 4,421 4,298 123
1982 44,571 28,093 16,478 39,540 23,221 16,319 5,032 4,872 160
1983 55,693 32,763 22,920 47,967 27,358 20,609 5,715 5,404 311
1984 64,775 40,223 24,552 58,273 34,044 24,229 6,502 6,179 322
1985 79,405 45,530 33,875 72,389 38,929 33,460 7,016 6,602 415
1986 91,999 53,244 38,754 84,258 46,008 38,250 7,741 7,236 504
1987 87,680 51,445 36,225 79,409 43,680 35,729 8,262 7,765 496
1988 84,926 48,381 36,546 75,787 39,892 35,896 9,139 8,489 650
1989 94,987 54,339 40,648 84,836 44,984 39,852 10,151 9,355 796
1990 95,167 55,564 39,603 84,128 45,342 38,786 11,039 10,222 816
1991 104,951 62,014 42,937 93,454 51,633 41,821 11,497 10,381 1,116
1992 121,678 69,924 51,755 108,527 58,374 50,153 13,151 11,549 1,602
1993 127,076 72,433 54,643 113,342 60,264 53,078 13,734 12,169 1,565
1994 138,034 77,764 60,269 123,291 64,681 58,611 14,690 13,031 1,659
1995 149,099 78,034 71,065 133,433 63,912 69,521 15,666 14,122 1,544

1/ Amounts shown include both benefits made directly from trust funds and premium payments made by plans to insurance carriers. Amounts exclude benefits paid directly by insurance carriers.
2/ Includes single employer plans, plans of controlled groups of corporations, and multiple-employer noncollectively bargained plans.
3/ Includes multiemployer plans and multiple-employer collectively bargained plans.

SOURCE: Form 5500 series reports filed with the Internal Revenue Service for 1975-95 plan years.

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