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FHWA Resource Center


The Resource Center Innovative Finance Technical Service Team provides a complete range of services to financial officials at state, local, and Federal Highway Administration Division offices across the United States, covering 50 states and six territories. The mission of the Finance Team is to provide sound innovative financing and federal fund management alternatives that (i) rely on solid and prudent analysis in leveraging federal funds to meet capital requirements, (ii) are consistent with the State's needs and overall capital management strategy, (iii) foster effective and efficient stewardship of the Federal-aid program, (iv) employ a creative approach that results in real added value, (v) can successfully attract infrastructure investors through public-private-partnership contracts.

Our vision is to become "America's" Best Innovative Finance Technical Service Team.

The Innovative Finance Technical Service Team has been actively engaged across the U.S. to provide a full range of specialized advice and services that help guide the application of innovative transportation finance tools from concept to closure. The Innovative Finance Technical Service Team provides support in the areas highlighted below:

Innovative Transportation Finance: through the use of the tools listed below, users may expand opportunities to advance projects more rapidly and to make projects feasible that might not be possible otherwise. These tools are:

Grant Management Initiatives: Grant Anticipate Revenue Vehicle Bonds (GARVEEs), Grant Anticipation Notes (GANs) and State Infrastructure Bank (SIBs) capitalization that leverage federal grant funding;

Credit Instruments: Section 129 Loans, TIFIA, and the Railroad Rehabilitation Improvement and Financing program;

Tax Incentives: Private Activity Bonds and Tax oriented leasing;

Grant Management Tools: Tapered and soft match, toll credits, and advance and partial conversion of advance construction; and

Public and Private Partnerships to attract and encourage private equity investor investment in infrastructure transportation projects.

Multi Mode Transportation Finance: Cross border and multi-jurisdiction infrastructure projects, freights, and mass transit financing

Debt Management & Risk Management: Post issuance management and investment alternatives

Finance Management Stewardship and Internal Control: Assist with effective management of accounting and auditing systems and programs

Corporate Single Audit and Audit Consultant: Improve audit efficiency, minimize audit intrusion on private industry and acceleration of the closing of highway projects with railroad and/or utility agreements

Market best practices: Conduct interactive workshops and conferences

Whether our customers are planning to finance infrastructure projects in traditionally or with an innovative approach, it is more important than ever to understand the choices available for them, and to determine the right financing alternative for the specific project profile to achieve the lowest cost of capital.

Your Resource for Innovative Transportation Finance!

Listed below are the Resource Center Innovative Finance Experts. Please e-mail or call the Team Leader or the Specialist assigned to your Division Office/States.

Team Leader

Program Assistant

Team MembersSpecialty Area(s)
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