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Software and Users' Manuals

Updates will be posted here periodically. It is the responsibility of the user to verify that the latest version of the software is being used.

Please also refer to the Guidance page for technical reports, guidance documents, and short sheets related to the use of the IEUBK and the ALM.

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Bound hard copies of the 1994 IEUBK Model (version 0.99d) documentation can be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Exit Disclaimer

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Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children, Windows® version (IEUBKwin v1.0 build 264)
(December, 2005) 32-bit version

This is the Windows®-based version of the IEUBK model (IEUBKwin v1.0 build 264).

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User's Guide for the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children (IEUBK) Windows® 32-bit version
[EPA 9285.7-42] (Updated May 2007)

This is intended to serve as an instructional guide for users of IEUBKwin. It provides the basics needed for accurate application and interpretation of the model, including how to install and run the model, model inputs and output, model analysis, interpretation of results, minimum requirements for risk assessment application, and example scenarios. Users of the model can refer to the IEUBK Guidance Manual (U.S. EPA, 1994) for supplemental information concerning the parameters and correct application of IEUBKwin.

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Guidance Manual for the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children
[NTIS #PB93-963510, EPA 9285.7-15-1] (February 1994)

This document concisely describes key features of the conceptual underpinnings of the IEUBK model, its evolution and development, its capabilities, and its limitations. The manual also provides guidance on the use of the model as a risk assessment tool.

The Guidance Manual for the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children:

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Technical Support Document for the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children (v0.99d)
[NTIS #PB94-963505, EPA 9285.7-22] (December 1994)

This document provides a detailed description of the equations and parameters used in the IEUBK model. It is a companion to the IEUBK Model Guidance Manual.

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Reference Manual for the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children (IEUBK) Windows® 32-bit version
[EPA 9285.7-44] (May 2002)

This document is intended as a quick introduction to IEUBKwin for users already familiar with the DOS version (0.99d). It describes the changes made to the model since the release of the DOS version (0.99d) in 1994. A general overview of the IEUBK model, a synopsis of the types of guidance documentation available for the IEUBK model (including directives, software documentation, short sheets, and fact sheets), and points of contact for additional information are all provided here.

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System Requirements and Design for the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children (IEUBK) Windows® 32-bit version
[EPA 9285.7-43] (Updated May 2007)

This document is an all-inclusive synopsis of the requirements for the development of the IEUBK model. It documents the design and implementation of the converted program, and is intended as a reference which can be used in the future for model enhancement or modification. The requirements portion of this document describes the parameters and equations that are used in the DOS version (0.99d) of the model. The design portion describes the structure and details of the design of the model as converted from DOS to a Windows® program, version 1.0 for Windows®.

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Recommendations of the Technical Review Workgroup for Lead for an Approach to Assessing Risks Associated with Adult Exposures to Lead in Soil
[EPA-540-R-03-001, OSWER Dir #9285.7-54] December 1996 (January 2003) -- The Adult Lead Methodology (ALM)

Note: This January 2003 document does not incorporate the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) recommendations of the TRW. Baseline blood lead concentration (PbB) and geometric standard deviation (GSD) values for the ALM should be input into the ALM based on the information presented in the NHANES report, available from the Guidance page.

This document describes a methodology for assessing risks associated with non-residential adult exposures to lead in soil. The methodology focuses on estimating fetal blood lead concentration in women exposed to lead-contaminated soils. This approach also provides tools that can be used for evaluating risks of elevated blood lead concentrations among exposed adults. Based on the TRW's analysis of the data collected in the completed NHANES III survey (Phases 1 and 2), updated ranges for the baseline adult blood lead concentration (PbB) and GSDi adult parameters in the EPA Adult Lead Methodology (ALM)have been included in the spreadsheets. Although the use of these updated ranges in the ALM would not appreciably change preliminary remediation goals (PRGs) calculated with the methodology, it is recommended that data from both phases of NHANES III be used in all PbB analyses; this is consistent with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations.

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Review of Adult Lead Models: Evaluation of Models for Assessing Human Health Risks Associated with Lead Exposures at Non-Residential Areas of Superfund and Other Hazardous Waste Sites
[OSWER Dir #9285.7-46] August 2001 -- The ALM Review Report

This report reviews the Adult Lead Methodology (ALM), as well as other modeling approaches, and their potential applicability to assessing non-residential lead exposures and risks.

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