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After-School Programs and Activities: 2005


This report presents data on participation in after-school activities and programs in the United States. The data are from the After-School Programs and Activities Survey (ASPA), a nationally representative survey of the 2005 National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES:2005). The data presented in the report are based on a sample of 11,684 students in kindergarten through grade 8 representing a weighted total of 36,185,760 students. The weighted unit response rate for the ASPA survey was 84 percent; the overall unit response rate for the survey was 56 percent.1 Additional details about the survey, response rates, and data reliability are provided in appendix A.

After-school programs and activities addressed in the survey include information about student participation in care arrangements in private homes with relatives and with care providers not related to them, participation in school-based or center-based after-school programs, participation in after-school activities that were not part of a school- or center-based program, and self-care (for a definition of self-care, please refer to the glossary in appendix B of this document). The ASPA survey conducted in 2005 was the second time this topic was fielded as a separate NHES survey. The previous ASPA collection was conducted in NHES:2001. The data can be used to study after-school programs and activities in 2005 and to study changes from 2001 to 2005.

Results reported in the tables and bullets are weighted means and proportions generated by bivariate cross-tabulation procedures. All statements of comparison made in this report have been tested for statistical significance using two-tailed t-tests and are significant at the 95 percent confidence level or better. Additional details about statistical procedures used in this report are provided in the Statistical Tests section of appendix A.

The purpose of this E.D. TAB is to introduce new NCES survey data through the presentation of selected descriptive information. The E.D. TAB is purely descriptive in nature. Readers are cautioned not to draw causal inferences based solely on the results presented in this E.D. TAB. It is important to note that many of the variables examined in this report are related to one another, and complex interactions and relationships have not been explored here. The variables examined here are also just a few of the variables that can be examined in these data and were selected to demonstrate the range of information that helped shape the design and now is available from the study. The selected findings are examples of comparisons that can be made using the data and are not designed to emphasize any particular issue. Release of the E.D. TAB is intended to encourage more in-depth analysis of the data, using more sophisticated statistical methods.

The following are highlights of some of the significant differences observed in the ASPA survey. These highlights do not include all differences; rather, they have been selected to demonstrate the range of data available from the study.

1 The overall unit response rate is the product of the unit response rate at the household screening stage and the ASPA unit response rate.

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