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Upcoming Regulatory Actions

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Extension of Attainment Dates for Downwind Transport Areas [Contact: Denise Gerth (919) 541-5550]

Proposed Rulemaking for the Interim Implementation Policy Concerning the No Backsliding Rule for PM-10 Nonattainment Areas (172(e) [Contact: Robin Dunkins (919) 541-5335]

Proposed Rulemaking for the Revision to the Definition of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) to Exclude Tertiary Butyl Acetate [Contact: Bill Johnson (919) 541-5245]

Final Rule for Identification of Additional Ozone Areas Attaining the 1-Hour Standard and to which the 1-Hour Standard is no Longer Applicable [Contact: Annie Nikbakht (919) 541-5246]

Supplemental Proposal for Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport, Technical Correction, and Notice of Availability of Additional Technical Documents [Contact: Carla Oldham (919) 541-3347]

Final Rulemaking on the Pollutant Standard Index (or Air Quality Index) [Contact: Susan Stone (919) 541-1146]

Direct Final Rulemaking Regarding Revisions to Reference Method For the Determination of Fine Particulate Matter as PM2.5 in the Atmosphere [Contact: Tim Hanley (919) 541-4417]

Proposed Rulemaking for Consolidated Emissions Reporting Rule. [Contact: Steve Bromberg (919) 541-0875]

Proposed Rulemaking for Revisions to the Guideline on Air Quality Models. [Contact: Tom Coulter (919)541-0832]

Final Rulemaking for Amendments to Emission Test Methods and Performance Specifications in Part 60, Part 61, and Part 63 [Contact: Foston Curtis (919)541-1063]

Direct Final Rulemaking for Magnetic Tape National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Waste Pollutants (NESHAP) [Contact: Michele Aston (919) 541-2363]

Final Rulemaking for the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Waste Pollutants (NESHAP) for Pesticide Active Ingredient [Contact: Lalit Banker (919) 541-5420]

Revision of Schedule for the Regulation of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Commerical and Consumer Products Under Section 183(e) of the Clean Air Act [Jan Meyer (919) 541-5254]

Final Rulemaking for the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Waste Pollutants (NESHAP) for Phosphoric Acid/Phosphate Fertilizer [Contact: David Painter (919) 541-5515]

Proposed Rulemaking for Municipal Waste Combustors--Small Units [Contact: Walt Stevenson (919)541-5264]

Direct Final Rulemaking for Electric Arc Furnace Amendments was signed February 18. [Contact: Kevin Cavender, (919)541-2364].

Proposed, Direct Final and Parallel Proposed Rulemaking for Group I and IV Polymers and Resins was signed February 10. [Contact: Bob Rosensteel (919)541-5608].

Amendments to the final rule for Pulp and Paper NESHAP [Contact: Steve Shedd (919)541-5397].

Proposed Federal Plan for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators--Small Units [Contact: Valerie Broadwell (919)541-3310]

Proposed rulemaking for Reducing Transport of Ozone: Redistribution of the Electric Generating Units Budget for the States of Connecticut, Massachussetts, and Rhode Island. [Contact: Kevin Culligan (202) 564-9172]

Final rule for Continuous Emission Monitoring Revisions. [Contact: Monika Chandra (202) 564-9781]

Direct final rule for Proposed Revisions of Test Method 1, 2, and 2F for Measuring Volumetric Flow in Stacks. [Contact: John Schackenbach (202) 564-9158]

Final rule for Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Listing of Substitutes for Ozone-Depleting Substances (FRM #4). [Contact: Kelly Davis (202) 564-2303]

Advance notice of proposed rulemaking for Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Allowance System for Controlling HCFC Production, Import and Export. [Contact: Sue Stendebach (202) 564-9117]

Proposed rule for Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Reconsideration on the Section 610 Nonessential Products Ban. [Contact: Vera Au (202) 564-2216]

Notice of proposed rulemaking for Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Incorporation of Montreal Protocol Decisions. [Contact: Tom Land (202) 564-9185]

Proposed supplemental rule regarding a Recycling Standard Under Section 608. [Contact: Michael Forlini (202) 564-9475]

Notice of acceptability for Protection of Stratospheric Ozone. [Contact: Kelly Davis (202) 564-2303]

Final rule for Opt-Out of Reformulated Gasoline Program for Maine. [Contact: Carole Weisner (202) 564-8985]

Proposed rule for Tier II. [Contact: (202) 260-3623]

Major Federal Register Notices

January 15 - Notice of Data Availability for Gas Transmission and Storage

January 25 - Corrections Notice for Secondary Lead Smelting National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutatns (NESHAP)

February 11 - Proposed rule for Secondary Aluminum

February 12 - Proposed Rulemaking for the Secondary Aluminum Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT)

February 12 - Proposed Supplemental Rulemaking to the Proposed Air Toxics Regulations for Ferralloys Production, Mineral Wool Production, Primary Copper Smelting, Primary Lead Smelting, and Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing

February 12 - Interim Final Rulemaking for Reporting & Recordkeeping Burden Reduction

February 19 - Final Rulemaking for Federal Operating Permits Program in Indian Country clarifies EPA's authority to administer the Federal Operating Permits Program in Indian Country

February 19 - Notice regarding Federal Operating Permits Program alerting sources in Indian Country to submit Part 71 applications

February 24 - Direct Final Rulemaking for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills --Technical Amendments.


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