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Office of Air and Radiation Regulatory Updates

August 1999

Regulatory Actions

Draft Economic Incentives Program Guidance [Contact: Nancy Mayer (919) 541-5390]

Proposed New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Existing Units: Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units. [Contact: Walt Stevenson (919) 541-5264]

Proposed revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compound - Exclusion of Tertiary Butyl Acetate. [Contact: Bill Johnson (919) 541-5245]

Proposed revisions to the Guidelines on Air Quality Models - Appendix W to 40 CFR Part 51. [Contact: Tom Coulter (919) 541-0832]

Proposed amendment to Air Toxics Rule for Halogenated Solvents - Equivalency Determination for web cleaners. [Contact: Paul Almodovar (919) 541-0283]

Proposed deferral of Title V Operating Permits until December 9, 2004 for Area Sources affected by Air Toxics Rules for ethylene oxide sterilizers, dry cleaners, halogenated solvent cleaning, chromium plating, and secondary lead smelting. [Contact: Rick Colyer (919) 541-5262]

Final amendments to Emission Test Methods and Monitoring Provisions for New Source requirements (Part 60) and Hazardous Air Pollutant requirements (Parts 61 and 63). [Contact: Fostin Curtis (919) 541-1063]

Proposed Amendments for Pulp and Paper MACT. [Contact: Steve Shedd ( 919) 541-5397]

Final rule to Redefine the Glycol Ethers Category under the CAA and CERLCA. [Contact: Roy Smith ( 919) 541-5362]

Final Federal Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. [Contact: Mary Ann Warner ( 919) 541-1192]

Notice of proposed rulemaking for Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Allocation of 2000 Essential-Use Allowances Under Section 604. [Contact: Erin Birgfeld (202) 564-9079]

Direct final rule for Nitrogen Oxides Emission Reduction Program, Rule Revision in Response to court Remand. [Contact: Dwight Alpern (202) 564-9151]

Direct final rule for Acid Rain Program - Permits Rule Revisions, Industrial Utility-Units Exemption. [Contact: Dwight Alpern (202) 564-9151]

Proposed rule for Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, NV. [Contact: Ray Clark (202) 564-9198]

Proposed rule for Technical Change to Dose Methodology for 40 CFR Parts 190 and 191. [Contact: Ray Clark (202) 564-9198]

Notice of proposed rulemaking for Control of Emissions of Air Pollution from 2004 and Later Model Year Highway Heavy Duty Diesel Engines. [Contact: Rob French (734) 214-4380]

Proposed amendment to I/M Rule. [Contact: Sally Newstead (734) 214-4474]

Proposed and Direct Final rule for the Extension of California Enforcement Exemption for Reformulated Gasoline Beyond December 31, 1999. [Contact: Maire Pastorkovich (202) 564-9038]


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