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Welcome National Radon Action Month Partners.  Within these pages you can share, plan, or find activities, and access the Event Planning Kit and graphics.  You'll also find a collection of other useful resources and materials.

Submit and Share Activities in Your Area, Find Activities in Your Area, Read Success Stories.                Learn More
Downloadable Flyer, Event Planning Kit, Graphics, and Media Campaign Materials.
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Special Messages, Spanish Resources, Publications, Poster Contest, Speaker's Bureau, Contacts. Learn More

Partners: Plan an activity for National Radon Action Month.  Learn More

Consumers: Learn how you can take action during National Radon Action Month.  Learn More

Get the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF files linked on this page.  See EPA's PDF page to learn more.  [En Español]

Join the National Effort

Join the National Effort to Double the Lives Saved from Radon Exposure Over Five Years

EPA has designated January as National Radon Action Month.  In January, communities lead activities and host special events to raise awareness of the health effects of radon exposure, promote radon testing and mitigation, and advance the use of radon-resistant new construction.

Conduct National Radon Action Month activities and events in your community.  By doing so you join EPA, the states, radon professionals, and partner organizations in a national campaign, Radon Leaders Saving Lives, launched in September 2007.  The goal of the campaign is to double the lives saved from radon-induced lung cancer over five years.

News Updates

Exciting New Resources for January 2009

Enhanced features include:

Living Healthy and Green Starts by Kicking Radon Out

Do you want to help your community step out on the green side of living and building healthier? EPA has developed a new media campaign, Living Healthy & Green, to educate Americans about the ease to test for radon and to build new homes radon-resistant. The new campaign features Fuad Reveiz, a home builder and former professional football player, who builds his new homes radon-resistant and encourages others to do the same. Since radon enters a home from the ground up, living healthy and green starts from the ground up. And, these unique public service announcements (PSAs) help remind Americans that a big part of "living green" starts in their home with breathing cleaner, healthier indoor air.

Contact media outlets in your area and ask them to use the Living Healthy & Green TV, radio and print ads during January, National Radon Action Month, and in the months to follow. This step will help kick radon out of your community and thereby improve home air quality helping to preserve families' well-being indoors and out.

This media campaign is available in multiple mediums in English and Spanish. Plus, there are seven different music formats for every type of radio station. Every campaign element can be viewed, heard and ordered free on line at www.epapsa.com

Radon Video Contest

In July, we asked for 30-60 second video submissions with the theme "Radon: Test, Fix, Save a Life" which encourage Americans to test and fix their homes for radon, and we received more than 30 entries.  We are pleased to announce the winning entry in the Radon Video Contest is “Eddie’s Story” submitted by Benjamin Schultz and Michael Gentilini.  To see all the entries, visit www.youtube.com/group/RadonContest exiting EPA

Thank you to all our entrants. As of October 2008, the videos have already received more than 8,000 views collectively.

National Radon Action Month Webinar

The EPA National Radon Action Month Webinar, “State Radon Program Innovative Approaches,” was held October 21, 2008.

To download this and other Radon Webinars, please visit: www.epa.gov/radon/webinars

Five Ways You Can Participate

Promote radon risk reduction during National Radon Action Month and throughout the year.

  1. Set a bold goal for your community to reduce radon risk.  Whether you are conducting a single National Radon Action Month event, or developing an entire radon risk reduction program for your community, it is important to set goals to define what you will achieve.  See the Event Planning Kit for more information.
  2. Collaborate with local radon partners.  Coordinate with your state radon program and local radon professionals to hold events and measure results.
  3. Plan a National Radon Action Month activity or event to kick off your campaign.  Conduct activities and events designed to raise awareness, recognize successful efforts, and share best practices.  Set goals and establish ways to measure results from your activities and events. See the Event Planning Kit for tips and tools.
  4. Promote your activity or event on EPA’s Web site and elsewhere.  In addition to promoting radon outreach and education through your Web site, newsletters, and listservs, use EPA’s online Activity Submittal Form exiting EPA  to register your event and have it featured here this site.  This is a great way to promote your event and get exposure for your important work.
  5. Work with the media to spread your message.  Work with your local media outlets to run Public Service Announcements (PSAs) and generate media coverage of radon topics, events, and activities in your community. View and order customizable radon PSAs .  See the Event Planning Kit for tips on preparing press releases and Op-Eds.

Click on the image to download the current Newsletter in PDF format

Sign Up for the Newsletter

Receive the latest news, resources, reminders, and tips for planning National Radon Action Month activities and events in your e-mail in-box with periodic Newsletters during the height of activity planning, coordination, and implementation for National Radon Action Month (November through February). To sign up for the Newsletter, send an e-mail to the radon events coordinator (radonevents@cadmusgroup.com) with your name and e-mail address.  Please write "subscribe" in the subject line.  Come back each month to read and download the next series of Newsletter updates.

Current Newsletters

To review Newsletters from previous years, visit the Newsletter section in the Archive page.

EPA Recommends: Test your home for radon -- it's easy and inexpensive; Fix your home if your radon level is 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or higher. Radon levels less than 4 pCi/L still pose a risk, and in many cases may be reduced.

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