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Greenways and Shared-Use Paths
Lesson 19

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Lesson Outline

  • Introduction to shared-use paths.
  • Users of shared- use paths.
  • Path types and planning issues.
  • Shared-use path design.
Picture shows a broad shared use path along a river. A woman is jogging away from the viewer and there is a man rollerblading in the direction of the viewer.

Introduction to Shared-Use Paths

Users of Shared-Use Paths

  • Bicyclists:
    – Different equipment types.
  • Pedestrians:
    – Runners.
    – Persons with disabilities.
    – Others.
  • Skaters and others.
  • User conflict.
Second picture shows a father and child on a tandem bike pulling a second child in a trail-a-bike.

First picture shows a man on a motorized scooter.   The third picture shows two children on scooters. All the cyclists and scooter riders are wearing helmets.

Path Types and Planning Issues

Shared-Use Path Design

  • ADA accessibility.
  • Trail width and striping.
  • Traffic safety at trail/roadway intersections.
The graphic shows a cross section drawing of a bike path: Signage is placed three feet away from the pavement, the path is ten feet wide with a two percent cross slope. A centerline is optional, and on either side is a minimum two foot wide shoulder sloping down from the path.
The first picture shows a wheelchair lift for a pedestrian overpass.
The second shows a wide crosswalk with striping.

Trail Design Issues

  • Path surface and treadway design.
  • Geometric design.
  • Access and restrictions.
  • Safety adjacent to roads.
  • Environmental impacts.
  • Aesthetics.
  • Amenities.
  • Signs.
  • Structures.
Five pictures show trail elements. 1.) A picture of a tunnel that conveys a trail beneath a road. 2.) A “Yield to Bikes” sign. 3.) A town limit sign. 4.) A historic marker describing an event in the trails vicinity. 5.) A bronze plate used as a place marker for a significant site.

Lesson Summary

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration