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Federal Government


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 Public Law 109-136: Native American Housing Enhancement Act of 2005 (PDF)*
 Rural Development Fiscal Year 2006 Budget


 Guide to USDA Programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives
 Lending on Native American Lands -- A Guide for Rural Development Staff (PDF)
 Making Rural Housing Programs Work in Indian Country: A Guide for Tribes and Tribal Housing Organizations --
      A publication from the Housing Assistance Council (PDF)

Reports and Other Publications

 Summary of Rural Development's Community and Economic Development Programs (PDF)
 Commercial Lending in Indian Country: Potential Opportunities in an Emerging Market --
      A Community Developments Insights Report (March 2006)
 Challenges to Assessing and Improving Telecommunications For Native Americans on Tribal Lands --
      Government Accounting Office January 2006 Report to Congress
 The Report of the Native American Lending Study --
      A report by the Department of the Treasury's Community Development Financial Institutions Fund


 Under Secretary Dorr's Remarks at the 2006 Reservation Economic Summit (PDF)
 Under Secretary Dorr's Remarks at the 2006 Menominee Tribal College Commencement in Keshena, Wisconsin (PDF)
 Removing Barriers to Homeownership for Native Americans -- Statement by Arizona State Director Eddie Browning
      before the House Committee on Financial Services on July 31, 2006


 Rural Development Administrative Notice (AN) 4206 (1901-E) -- "Native American Housing Enhancement Act of 2005"
      August 21, 2006 (PDF)
      This AN provides guidance to Rural Development employees who originate, service and conduct compliance reviews
      of housing on how to implement the 2005 Native American Housing Enhancement Act.

Rural Development State AI/AN Websites


*   PDF files require the Adobe Acrobat Reader.


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Rural Development is within the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administers rural business, cooperative, housing, utilities and community development programs.

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