Student Support Services Program

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Program Performance Plan

Program performance plans describe the goals and intended outcomes of U.S. Department of Education programs and initiatives. Annual targets and strategies, along with measures for monitoring progress, are published in performance plans prior to each fiscal year. The plans also include actual performance data showing whether targets were met in previous years. The FY 2009 performance plan for this program, including program performance measures, historical program data, and targets, as of February 2008, may be accessed through the link below.

Annual Performance Report

All Student Support Services grantees are required to submit their 2007-08 annual performance reports (APRs) via the Web using an online application available on November 3, 2008, at our contractor's site, The due date for submitting the APR is December 1, 2008. The form and instructions for the APR are available in text and PDF versions for your reference.

Grantees should register as soon as possible and not wait until close to the deadline to submit reports. Registration and submittal procedures are discussed in the letter to project directors dated October 2008, and in the general instructions.

Past Program Performance Results

The Department has calculated persistence, graduation and efficiency measures based upon the 2004-05 annual performance reports submitted by grantees.

The Department has calculated an efficiency measure based upon the 2003-04 annual performance reports submitted by grantees. The results are available at Efficiency Measure Performance Results: 2003-2004.



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Last Modified: 10/27/2008

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