Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


ITS Impacts on Weather-Related Delays: An Analysis of Modeling Results from the Seattle MMDI Traffic Evaluation


This report examines the effectiveness of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies to mitigate vehicle delay and improve throughput in a congested urban corridor under peak travel demand and adverse weather conditions. Data for this analysis is derived drom a traffic simulation study conducted as part of the Seattle Metropolitan Model Deployment Initiative (MMDI) in 1999. A set of 30 scenarios were used to describe the range of travel demand, incidents and weather impacts seen in the corridor over the course of a year. Results from scenarios comprising a range of weather conditions were compared to results for all conditions. Key Findings: (1) In weather scenarios, the roadway network in Seattle had higher delay and lower throughput compared with average conditions, (2) Delay reductions under most ITS alternatives were significant under weather conditions, and (3) Delay reduction realized by ITS alternatives under weather conditions comprised a larger than proportionate share of total delay


Mitretek Systems, Prepared for FHWA ITS Joint Program Office. For an electronic copy of this resource, contact Lynette Goodwin at

Date: 2002


Larkin, Wunderlich


Traffic modeling
Traveler information
Traffic control
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

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Office of Operations