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Timeline, 1990s


Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 passed

Pollution Prevention Act passed

EPA restricts land disposal of hazardous waste

EPA Science Advisory Board recommends environmental risk reduction strategy

Photo of President Bush signing the Clean Air Act Amendments.  Left-to-right: William Reilly, President Bush, Energy Secretary James Watkins and Vice President Quayle

President Bush signs the Clean Air Act Amendments - Nov. 15, 1990 (Source: White House, photo by Carol T. Powers)
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Photo of William Reilly standing in front of Kuwaiti oil fires

William Reilly assesses environmental impact of Kuwaiti oil fires - May 1991
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U.S. responds to Kuwait oil fires

Exxon pays $1 billion for Valdez oil spill

EPA establishes voluntary toxics reduction program

EPA commits to environmental education

Federal recycling order signed

Acid rain emission sales rule passed


U.N. Earth Summit promotes sustainable development

EPA issues final drinking water standards for 23 chemicals

EPA and New York mark end of sewage sludge dumping

EPA commits to reducing environmental risks to minorities

NAFTA integrates North American economic and environmental goals

Photo of William Reilly in Rio de Janeiro for Earth Summit.  Left-to-right:  Senator John Chafee, William Reilly, and Senator Al Gore

William Reilly with Senators John Chafee and Al Gore in Rio de Janeiro for Earth Summit - 1992
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Carol Browner speaking at a table

Carol Browner testifies at her confirmation hearing - Jan. 11, 1993
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Carol Browner appointed Agency Administrator

EPA designates passive smoke a human carcinogen

Sulfur dioxide trading rule passed

Federal facilities ordered to reduce toxic emissions

EPA requires full phaseout of CFCs and other ozone depleters


EPA presents first Energy Star computer awards

EPA issues citizen Right-To-Know list of toxics

Federal environmental justice order signed

Chemical industry air toxics reduction rule passed

EPA picks first six industries for Common Sense Initiative

EPA funds brownfields redevelopment

Energy Star logo

Photo of people collecting garbage in canoes

Anacostia River cleanup, Earth Day 25 - April 1995
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EPA initiates Partnership for Safe Water

EPA expands acid rain emissions trading

Refinery air toxics rule passed

U.S. commits to monitoring environment using remote-sensing data


Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 passed

EPA finalizes leaded gas ban

EPA approves first Project XL plan

EPA implements lead-based paint Right-To-Know

Photo of President Clinton signing Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments surrounded by children

President Clinton signs Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments - Aug. 6, 1996
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Photo of Carol Browner with children

Carol Browner with children at EPA's day care facility
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EPA commits to children's health, regulatory reinvention, and Right-To-Know

EPA implements Food Quality Protection Act

U.S. and Canada move to eliminate toxics in Great Lakes

EPA Website provides access to watershed data


EPA Common Sense Initiative receives Hammer Award

Federal Clean Water Action Plan issued

EPA Website provides access to local pollution data

Photo of EPA staff holding Hammer Award

EPA Common Sense Initiative receives Vice President Al Gore's Hammer Award - Dec. 17, 1998
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Photo of President Clinton speaking at a podium in front of 'Clear Cars, Cleaner Air, Healthier Kids' banner

President Clinton and Carol Browner announce new auto pollution controls at Maury Elementary School, Washington, DC - Dec. 21, 1999
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EPA plans cleaner cars and fuels standards

EPA and DOE present first Energy Star buildings awards

Superfund Reform accelerates hazardous waste cleanups

EPA demonstrates Clean Air Act benefits far outweigh costs

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