Promoting Prevention Through School-Community Partnerships

Event Staff

Yvette Lamb
Senior Project Director

Yvette brings to the Training Center a wealth of experience in planning and developing policy initiatives in the areas of education and health. While at the University of Pittsburgh, she worked for the Office of Child Development and served as an associate dean in the Graduate School of Public Health. She has also worked with community-based providers in establishing coalitions and collaboratives that address social change. Her research interests focus on collaborative organizational structures that involve faith-based organizations interacting with traditional service providers, such as schools, health care institutions, and social service agencies.

Connie Constantine
Senior Curriculum Design Specialist

Connie has more than 26 years of experience as a health educator. As the training and technical assistance coordinator for the National Training Partnership at EDC, she has spent the past five years working with state and local education agencies to strengthen their capacity to implement professional development, both through face- to-face training and distance education. The goal of the Partnership was to improve health education, especially HIV prevention, provided in schools and other youth-serving organizations.

Before coming to EDC, Connie taught health education at the elementary-, middle-, and high-school levels and spent three years as a district health coordinator. She was also the associate director for the Center for Health Promotion at Bridgewater State College in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, where she has been a member of the college's graduate faculty since 1994.

Melanie Adler
Lead Materials Developer

During her five years at EDC, Melanie has created numerous print and online materials. She has written extensively on school health and training issues, and has developed several tools designed to help schools and other prevention practitioners translate research into practice. Before joining the MSC staff, Melanie contributed to the conceptualization and writing of a resource guide funded by the U.S. Department of Education to help school personnel apply the Principles of Effectiveness. She also co-directed the development of a website to support the adoption and implementation of science-based HIV and AIDS prevention interventions.

Dana Meritt Wardlaw
Materials Developer

Dana brings to the position of materials developer extensive experience working in a variety of school and community settings. Trained in youth development and prevention science, she has directed weekly youth programs; provided health education to primary grade students; collaboratively developed and administered health screenings at a school-based health center; participated in the evaluation of a street outreach program; and researched factors that influence the adoption of HIV prevention technology among community-based organizations. Prior to her arrival at EDC, she worked with the Collaborative to Advance Social and Emotional Learning on a large-scale review of school-based health promotion and risk prevention programs.

Mathew Mason
Administrative Assistant

Mat is responsible for attending to the many details that keep the Training Center running smoothly. In addition to supporting online activities and responding to coordinators' inquiries, Mat maintains the MSC website and database, assists with the design and preparation of informational and training materials, and coordinates travel logistics for project staff.

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Last Modified: 06/30/2008