Promoting Prevention Through School-Community Partnerships

What to Expect

For many of you, participating in an online event is a new experience.
This section is designed to answer some basic questions about online learning -- including where to go to find out more!

What Will I Learn from this Event?

Promoting Prevention Through School-Community Partnerships is a five-part workshop designed to be completed over the course of five days. It is divided into these sections:

DAY 1: Partnering for Prevention. MSCs will review the critical role school-community partnerships can play in reducing substance use and violent behavior among youth.

DAY 2: Building and Sustaining Your Planning Team, Parts 1 and 2. MSCs will explore strategies for creating a planning team and tips for keeping the team functioning smoothly.

DAY 3: Expanding Your School-Community Connections. MSCs will learn about four approaches to using school-community partnerships to enhance program outcomes.

DAY 4: Looking for More? Resources that Support Partnerships. MSCs will be introduced to federal legislation and national organizations dedicated to supporting school-community partnerships.

DAY 5: Event Summary and Wrap-up. MSCs will receive a synthesis of the week-long online discussion, reflect on the event, and complete an online assessment questionnaire.

How Is the Site Organized?

Each online event website includes eight sections:

Event Schedule
This section describes what participants will be doing each day of the event.

This is where participants can acquire a basic understanding of the event topic. Materials will appear in a variety of formats and can be printed for future reference.

This section contains one or two structured tasks that participants will be asked to complete during the course of the event. The activities are designed to help participants apply the knowledge they acquired through the event materials and discussion.

Each day, participants are asked to visit the discussion area to share their comments and questions about event materials and activities. Though facilitated by Training Center staff, the event discussion is primarily intended to be a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among MSCs.

Event Staff
This section displays brief biographies of the event facilitators, content developers, and technical support staff.

Resources & Links
The information contained in this section is designed to complement the event materials, facilitate ease of participation in the event, and enhance overall learning.

Event Support
Participants with technical questions can go to this section and submit an online request for assistance.

This section provides definitions of many content-specific terms used throughout the event.

Take some time to tour the site and familiarize yourself with its layout and content.

Where Can I Go for Help?

Participants with technical questions or problems can submit a request for assistance to Event Support. Your questions may also be answered by consulting Tips for Navigating this Site, Tips for Participating in Online Events, and Tips for Using the Discussion Area. Also, the Glossary may help clarify the meaning of various terms used throughout the event.

You have completed this section.
Proceed to Event Schedule.

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Last Modified: 06/30/2008