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Wildlife & Habitat Management

Refuge Objectives:  These are the underlying management goals for the refuge.

  • Provide habitat and protection for migratory birds.
  • Provide protection and habitat to promote resident and migratory wildlife diversity.
  • Provide protection and management for endangered and threatened plant and animal species (American bald eagle, American alligator and wood stork).
  • Provide protection and management necessary to sustain and promote colonial nesting bird populations that use the refuge.
  • Provide wildlife education and interpretation and recreational opportunities to the visiting public.

Management Tools:  These are the tools refuge staff use to accomplish these goals.

  • Water level management for waterfowl, shorebirds, wood storks and wading birds.
  • Mowing and discing.
  • Prescribed fire.
  • Mechanical and chemical control of noxious plants.
  • Timber cutting.
  • Public hunting for deer population management.
  • Education/Interpretation
  • Law enforcement
  • Partnerships
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