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May 09, 2008

So long, and thanks for all the fish

So long...

Well, this is the final post for our Great Lakes Earth Day Challenge blog. I hoped I'd have some more statistics to report on how much our participants collected at their e-cycling and unwanted medicine events around the Great Lakes, but the data is coming in gradually and will continue to do so for a few more weeks.

I'd like to leave you with a few places where you can get more information. I hope you'll continue to think about conservation and recycling long after Earth Day is past.

... and thanks

Thank you to the many EPA staff who worked very hard on the Earth Day Challenge, and most importantly to the people all around the Great Lakes who organized events and participated in them. You have made a difference.

Thank you to everyone who wrote for this blog, provided photos, and left comments.

  • Earth Keepers: Natasha Koss
  • Great Lakes Surfers: Vince Deur, Ingrid Lindfors
  • IL/IN Sea Grant: Jackie Adams, Susan Boehme
  • EPA: Phillippa Cannon, Cynthia Faur, Mary Gade, John Haugland, Melissa Hulting, Beth Murphy, Chris Newman, Karen Reshkin

And a special thank you to Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock and his staff in the Office of Web Communications for setting up this blog for us and giving us the opportunity to join the choir.

Karen Reshkin manages the EPA Chicago regional Web site and edited the Earth Day Challenge blog.


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I just wanted to say that i have followed this event closely and you guys have inspired me to start something like this in my own community ..i am already become a big advocate about recycling ... thanks a lot

Strategynode, you're welcome. Thanks for letting us know, and good luck to you!

I hope this is not so much a 'so long' as an 'au revoir.' Just a great job all round and a good example of how EPA can use new tools to get more results.

I neglected to check this out earlier to thank you all for your spectacular efforts on this event.

Thank you so much.

Keep up the good work there are people out here pulling for youa nd spreading the word of your efforts... thank you

Thank you for all your great effort. It has truly made a difference for so many people.

Please keep up the noble efforts! Your example can have a deeper impact than you know sometimes. When's the next Earth Day Challenge?

Wonderful site, I found it a few months late, but it's definitely nice to see pro-environmentalism movements by the government.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish"
Fitting words from douglas adams-
I'm sorry I found this blog after it's gone offline :(

Quite interesting actually, i'll have to bookmark your site now to check out what other things you might say. ;)

Thanks! And best of luck, bookmarked.

well what a great challenge, I hope you get to do more of this.

What a beautiful thing you are doing. God bless all of you.

This is Jack Dawson,

Thank you for all your great effort. It has truly made a difference for so many people.
Jack Dawson
[url=http://mls.fastrealestate.net]Multi List Service[/url]

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