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April 22, 2008

Earth Day in Chicago

Earth Day at Daley Plaza, Chicago
Earth Day Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer at Daley Plaza in Chicago.

EPA Regional Administrator Mary Gade
EPA Regional Administrator Mary Gade encourages participation in the Earth Day Challenge. (She's a blogger, too.)

EPA bloggers Chris Newman and Beth Murphy work at the EPA booth in Daley Plaza.

EPA's Todd Nettesheim wants you to recycle your old cell phone.

With grant money from US EPA, the City of Chicago has purchased pharmaceutical collection boxes like this one.

Meanwhile, back at the Metcalfe Federal Building, the unwanted medicines collection continues under the supervision of two plainclothes Chicago police officers.

The unwanted meds collection in our building filled almost the whole barrel. Looking pleased are Vicki Thomas (Great Lakes Program), Region 5 Administrator Mary Gade, and Great Lakes National Program Office Director Gary Gulezian.

Karen Reshkin works in EPA Region 5's public affairs office.


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