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Increase your understanding of NAEP and specific issues related to the assessment by viewing the following research documents.

NAEP Secondary Analysis Papers

NAEP Technical/Methodological Papers

NAEP Validity Studies (NVS) Panel Papers

NAEP Working Papers

National Assessment Governing Board Reports

National Academy of Education (NAE) Papers

National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Reports

National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) Reports

Other Research Reports

NAEP Secondary Analysis Papers

The NAEP Secondary Analysis Grant Program was developed to encourage educational researchers to conduct secondary analysis studies using NAEP and High School Transcript Study (HSTS) data. The program is announced on the Department of Education website. Through such studies, previous grant recipients have contributed to the value of NAEP data.

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NAEP Technical/Methodological Papers

Interested in how the assessment is conducted and analyzed? Technical/Methodological Reports provide an in-depth analysis of analytic methods, survey design, survey procedures, or data quality issues. NAEP Technical/Methodological papers delve into areas such as sampling, scoring, and measurement of background indicators.

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NAEP Validity Studies (NVS) Papers

The NAEP Validity Studies reports are written by members of the NAEP Validity Studies Panel. These studies are conducted as needed to identify and develop technically sound techniques for use in NAEP assessments. The Panel, whose membership includes nationally recognized psychometricians and experts in NAEP subject areas, advises NCES on the research agenda for maintaining and developing the high technical quality of NAEP assessments. Through discussions between the Panel and NCES, a rich assortment of topics has emerged. Papers have been written on the research conducted by NVS Panel members since 1997; on this site, you will find abstracts and also links to the papers that are available in electronic format.

Some sample papers are:

Partitioning NAEP Trend Data (2007)

Validity Study of the NAEP Mathematics Assessment: Grades 4 and 8
Appendices: Validity Study of the NAEP Mathematics Assessment: Grades 4 and 8

The Effects of Finite Sampling on State Assessment Sample Requirements (2004)

Computer Use and Its Relation to Academic Achievement in Mathematics, Reading, and Writing (2004)

A Study of Equating in NAEP (2003)

For more information on the papers or the NVS, contact Janis Brown, (202) 502-7482.

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NAEP Working Papers

Researchers at NCES and other organizations have used NAEP data to examine various issues relating to the assessments. Working Papers provide preliminary analysis of substantive, technical, and methodological issues. These works in progress are used to present and promote the sharing of valuable experience and knowledge. Explore these NAEP Working Papers to learn more about their findings.

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National Assessment Governing Board Reports

The Governing Board is an independent, bipartisan group whose members include governors, state legislators, local and state officials, educators, business representatives, and members of the general public. Congress created the 26-member Governing Board in 1988 to set policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), commonly known as the "The Nation's Report Card."

The following are papers on the the Governing Board website:

NAEP Testing for Twelfth Graders: Motivational Issues (2005) (86.5K Microsoft Word document) 

Participation Standards for 12th Grade NAEP (2005) (151K Microsoft Word document)

Twelfth-Grade Student Achievement in America: A New Vision for NAEP (2004) (119K PDF)

NAEP 12th Grade World History Assessment: Issues and Options (2004) (456K Microsoft Word document)

Papers from the National Assessment Governing Board SD/LEP Conference (2004)

Consultant Reports on NAEP Background Questions (2002, 2003)

Student Performance Standards on the National Assessment of Educational Progress: Affirmation and Improvements (2000) (3.72MB PDF)

Using the National Assessment of Educational Progress to Confirm State Test Results: A Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Confirming Test Results (2000) (5.36MB PDF)

Overseeing the Nation's Report Card: The Creating and Evolution of the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) (1998) (619K PDF)

Proceedings of Achievement Level Workshops (1997) (1.12MB PDF)

Learn more about the Governing Board.

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National Academy of Education (NAE) Papers

The National Academy of Education (NAE) was founded in 1965 to "promote scholarly inquiry and discussion concerning the ends and means of education, in all its forms, in the United States and abroad." Through the NAE website, many reports can be accessed that either discuss NAEP or use NAEP data. Some reports are available to download from Educational Testing Service, while others must be ordered.

Some sample reports are:

Assessing Student Achievement in the States (1992)

The Nation's Report Card: Improving the Assessment of Student Achievement (1987)

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National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Reports

A number of reports about NAEP have been published by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), and these may be searched for and purchased at the National Academy Press website by putting NAEP into the search box and clicking FIND.

Some sample reports are:

NAEP Reporting Practices: Investigating District-Level and Market-Basket Reporting (2001)

Designing a Market Basket for NAEP: Summary of a Workshop (2000)

Grading the Nation's Report Card: Research from the Evaluation of NAEP (2000)

Reporting District-Level NAEP Data: Summary of a Workshop (2000)

Grading the Nation's Report Card: Evaluating NAEP and Transforming the Assessment of Educational Progress (1998)

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National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) Reports

NISS was established in 1991 with the mission to identify, catalyze, and foster high-impact, cross-disciplinary research involving the statistical sciences. Researchers have written several technical reports on NAEP, available from the NISS website.

The following are a few examples:

Exploring Statistical Adjustment of Results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (1999)

Accounting for Missing Data in Educational Surveys: A Workshop Report (1999)

Perspectives on Statistics for Educational Research: Proceedings of a Workshop (1995)

Projecting to the NAEP Scale: Results from the North Carolina End-of-Grade Testing Program (1995)

Controlling Error in Multiple Comparisons, with Special Attention to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (1994)

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Other Research Reports

NAEP data are often used in other reports, such as those below that are funded through the Institute of Education Sciences.

Gender Gaps in Assessment Outcomes in Vermont and the United States

Toward More Substantively Meaningful Automated Essay Scoring

Does It Matter if I Take My Writing Test on Computer? An Empirical Study of Mode Effects in NAEP

SD/LEP Inclusions/Exclusions in NAEP: An Investigation of Factors Affecting SD/LEP Inclusions/Exclusions in NAEP. Final Report (361K PDF)

Decision-Making Practices of Urban Districts for Including and Accommodating English Language Learners in NAEP—School-Based Perspectives (620K PDF)

Interpreting 12th-Graders' NAEP-Scaled Mathematics Performance Using High School Predictors and Postsecondary Outcomes From the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88) (NCES 2007-328)

Aligning Science Standards: Arkansas and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Similar reports are available for Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Status of Education in Rural America (NCES 2007-040)

Comparing Mathematics Content in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2003 Assessments (NCES 2006-029)

Expressing International Educational Achievement in Terms of U.S. Performance Standards: Linking NAEP Achievement Levels to TIMSS, May 2007, is available through the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) where many additional NAEP research papers and presentations will be found.

Several NAEP research reports are available on the Educational Testing Service (ETS) website.

The Buros Institute produced an overview of NAEP research papers (221K PDF) in 2005.

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Last updated 19 September 2008 (NB)
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