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Civil Legal Remedies

The following information resources may offer victim assistance information, research findings, educational materials, or strategies for program and policy development specific to this topic. A general listing of all OVC publications is also available.

Civil Justice for Victims of Crime (2000) PDF (78 kb)
The National Crime Victim Bar Association created this easy-to-read booklet to give crime victims and those who work with them a basic understanding of the civil justice system and to make them aware of the civil justice option.

Civil Remedies, New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century (August 1998)
This OVC Bulletin (NCJ 172826) is a reprint of a chapter in New Directions and deals specifically with promising practices and recommendations related to civil remedies. An executive summary and 17 other bulletins complete the set.

Civil Trial Cases and Verdicts in Large Counties, 1996 (1999)
This BJS report (NCJ 173426) presents findings on tort, contract, and real property cases disposed by jury or bench trial in 1996 in the Nation's 75 largest counties. Information reported includes the type of case, types of plaintiffs and defendants, trial winners, amount of total damages awarded, amount of punitive damages awarded and case processing time. e-only icon

Financial Assistance for Victims of Crime: Civil Remedies, National Victim Assistance Academy (NVAA) Text (2002)
The NVAA text emphasizes foundations in victimology and victims' rights and services, as well as new developments in the field of victim assistance. It also contains a chapter on civil remedies. e-only icon

The Legal Community New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century (August 1998)
This OVC Bulletin (NCJ 172820) is a reprint of a chapter in New Directions and deals specifically with promising practices and recommendations related to the legal community. An executive summary and 17 other bulletins complete the set.

Toolkit to End Domestic Violence: Enhancing the Response of the Justice System—Civil Remedies (2001)
The National Advisory Council on Violence Against Women developed the Toolkit To End Violence Against Women to provide concrete guidance to communities, policy leaders, and individuals engaged in activities to end violence against women.

This document was last updated on June 26, 2008