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Who Took the NAEP Writing Assessment?

The NAEP 2007 writing assessment was conducted nationally and grades 8 and 12 and in 45 states and the Department of Defense Education Activity schools (DoDEA) at grade 8 only. Approximately 139,900 students were assessed at grade 8, and 27,900 were assessed at grade 12.

NAEP does not, and is not designed to, report on the performance of individual students. Instead, it assesses subgroups of the student population from representative national and state samples. For example, NAEP reports results for male and female students, black and white students, and students in different regions of the country. Samples are selected using a complex sampling design.

See additional information about the percentages of students with disabilities and English language learners

See the types of accommodations permitted for students with disabilities and English language learners at the national level.

Last updated 17 March 2008 (RF)
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