Update No. 6  


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February 13, 2003

We Still Need Your Help

The February 12 due date has come and gone. If history gives us any indication, there are still thousands of businesses out there who have not yet completed their forms. Therefore, we still need you to tell your readers, members, and associates just how important Economic Census data are, and that America is counting on them.

Businesses that have not returned their forms by March will be sent replacement forms, as part of a multi-stage follow-up.

These follow-up activities cost money and take time. Please urge your business audience to get a 30-day extension at www.census.gov/econhelp or 1-800-233-6136--and then to complete their forms as soon as possible.

New Graphics Emphasize it's "Past Due"

Economic Census flag ad Economic Census calendar ad


Your website can easily promote the Economic Census with a new animated banner ad. (If you don't like animation on your website, use alternate static ads.) HTML code provided illustrates how you can add this PSA to your website.
Economic Census--Get it done!

Counting American Business.   Charting America's Progress.


2002 Economic Census
U.S. Census Bureau
Department of Commerce
Washington, D.C. 20233-6100
(877) 790-1876 (toll free)
(301) 457-2058 (FAX)