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What Others Are Saying About the 2002 Economic Census

Don Evans, Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce

"The Economic Census is more important than ever. The participation of business is an act of corporate good citizenship and is critical to understanding the factors that underpin our ongoing economic recovery."

Thomas J. Donohue, President, United States Chamber of Commerce

"Sound and timely economic data are the fuel that powers economic decision making. Data are used by Congress, the Federal Reserve, regulatory agencies, and American businesses to formulate and evaluate fiscal, monetary, and regulatory policies and to develop business plans and financing strategies. Without sound economic data, policy makers in both the public and private sector would be flying blind.

"I urge all American businesses to participate in the census and to provide complete and accurate data. American businesses and the American people will be the benefactors."

Alan Greenspan, Chairman, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors

"The Economic Census is indispensable to understanding America's economy. It insures the accuracy of the statistics we rely on for sound economic policy and for successful business planning. Returning your economic census form helps us all."

Roger Brinner, Chief Economist, Parthenon Group

"When the Economic Census form arrives, look at it as a valuable use of your time. That information will help all of us as a nation perform more efficiently and probably more equitably. So, take the time, treat it as a real responsible act as a citizen, and you will benefit."

Hector Barreto, Administrator of the Small Business Administration

"As a small businessman myself, I've learned that, if you listen to your customers, they will tell you what they need to succeed. Complete your 2002 Economic Census It asks for essential information about America's businesses. Make sure the voice of small business is heard."

George Herrera, President and CEO, U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

"Small businesses can use the Economic Census to define markets, gauge the competition and attract investment. If you are among those called upon to complete a form, look at it as an opportunity. This is a chance to contribute to the information that all businesses, including yours, will use in the years to come."

Michael Carliner, Vice President and Economist, National Association of Home Builders

"It is important for builders to provide this information. This helps the industry and the builders themselves...We also need good data for Government policies to properly reflect the nature of the industries, for suppliers who provide building materials and tools, and for the labor supply to be educated and available for builders to use."

"If the industry is a mystery, then we are not going to get the resources that we need."

Louis Kincannon, Director, U.S. Census Bureau

"With over 22 million businesses, and a thousand different industries, America needs to track its economic progress. Right now, the Census Bureau is conducting the Economic Census, which describes the economy from the national to the local level. It helps shape the way we, as a country, do business. If your business receives a form, it's important to complete and return it promptly. America needs your numbers."

William Dunkelberg, Chief Economist, National Federation of Independent Business

"We're in the information age, and if you don't have good information, reliable information, you make bad decisions, and bad decisions cost you business. That's true for the economy as well. We have major policy decisions--monetary policy, tax policy, regulatory policy. If we don't have good information, we're going to make mistakes. We need the Economic Census to get the facts so that we can make good decisions."

Kathleen Cooper, Under Secretary, US Department of Commerce

“The economic statistics that most people are familiar with – like retail sales, Gross Domestic Product, and many others – have their origins in the data that are collected in the 5-year Economic Census. The economic indicators we read every day – for policy and personal decisions – are built on the quality of the Economic Census data.”

Richard Berner, Managing Director & Chief Economist, Morgan Stanley

"We recognize that it takes a lot of effort to complete these forms and it takes time and sometimes money, but that investment is really worthwhile. You get back a body of data about the national economy that describes in great detail where we are, and has implications for where we are going. Improved business decisions will pay dividends for you in completing the form."

Elaine Chao, Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor

"The Census is a key part of several key productivity measures produced by our Bureau of Labor Statistics. Your help is essential for keeping an accurate pulse of our economy, making business decisions, and creating new jobs. If you received an Economic Census form, please make sure it gets filled out and mailed."

Kevin M. Burke, President and CEO, American Apparel and Footwear Association

"Every U.S. business, whether in the apparel and footwear industries or in any other industry, relies on the most current and accurate data available to make the decisions that determine the future of their company. This is an opportunity to ensure that the data you use in your decision making is the best data available. The future of your company depends on it. "

Rosario Marin, Treasurer of the United States

"Financial education has become a lifelong tool which will ensure that people build for the future, and especially for their retirement. The Economic Census is vital for understanding our economy and our Nation's financial framework. If your business received an Economic Census form, please fill it out and mail it in."

Knight Kiplinger, Editor in Chief, Kiplinger Letter

"Participation in the Economic Census is a matter of great self interest to you as a business executive or owner. American business executives must have accurate information about the U.S. economy to look ahead and make important business plans."

Richard Grasso, Chairman and CEO, New York Stock Exchange

"Right now, the Census Bureau is conducting the 2002 Economic Census. It's essential that all businesses participate. If your business received an Economic Census form, please make sure that it is filled out and returned promptly. America needs your numbers."

Many of these quotes are available in audio PSAs.


Counting American Business.   Charting America's Progress.

This document is also in pdf.    


2002 Economic Census
U.S. Census Bureau
Department of Commerce
Washington, D.C. 20233-6100
(877) 790-1876 (toll free)
(301) 457-2058 (FAX)