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How Is the NAEP Reading Assessment Administered?

NAEP staff go into schools across the nation to administer assessment exercises to students who are part of the NAEP sample. Teachers and principals are also asked to complete questionnaires to provide context for student results. The NAEP staff are responsible for the following administrative duties:

  • selecting the sample of schools and students to take the assessment,
  • developing the administrative procedures and manuals for assessment administrators,
  • hiring and training staff to conduct the assessment administrations, and
  • conducting an extensive quality-assurance program.

NAEP staff receive extensive training in administering the NAEP assessment. Such training includes (but is not necessarily limited to) learning about procedures for the following:

  • contacting and going into schools to administer assessments,
  • distributing and collecting student assessment materials,
  • timing the administration of the assessment,
  • using scripts to guide students through different sections of the assessments,
  • answering and tracking questions students may have during the assessments, and
  • collecting certain kinds of background information about students, such as whether students who participate in the National School Lunch Program receive free or reduced-price lunches.

Learn more about how NAEP is administered.

Last updated 14 September 2005 (JM)
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