BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Archived Webinars — Learn About Various Markets

Man with briefcase running fast.

Couldn’t make one of our webinars but still interested in getting the information?  Here is where you can find some of the key information you may have missed!

China Domain Name Strategies for Exporters

Learn the value of a local market web presence and how to register a domain name in the China Domain Name Strategies for Exporters webinar.

Colombia Trade Agreement Promotion

Learn about the agreement and business opportunities in Colombia in the Colombia Trade Agreement Promotion webinar.

Re-Export Controls

Learn about the re-export controls regulations when exporting your products overseas in the Re-Export Controls webinar.

Understanding the North America Free Trade Agreement

Learn how to properly and accurately complete a NAFTA certificate or origin in the Understanding North American Free Trade Agreement webinar.

Peru & Colombia Free Trade Agreements

Find out how your company can benefit from these Free Trade Agreements in the Peru & Colombia Free Trade Agreements webinar.

South Africa — Opportunities and Trade Policy

Discover how your company can break into the growing South African market in the South Africa Opportunities and Trade Policy webinar.

EU Standards and Compliance: Accessing the European Market

Learn how to Benefit from trade agreements, ensure a level playing field for your company in the European market, and learn the latest developments in CE Marking in the EU Standards and Compliance: Accessing the European Market webinar.

Embargoes and Other Sanctions

Learn about how different countries are affected by embargoes and other sanctions in the Embargoes and Other Sanctions webinar.