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Kansas City, KS Regional Headquarters Green Rider

November 14, 1995

General Provisions

Where provisions of this rider conflict with provisions of the SFO, the more stringent provision of the SFO or this Rider shall apply.

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Offerors are encouraged to design a cost-competitive facility that reflects, to the maximum extent possible, the Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental protection mission and its positive commitment to the communities where its facilities are located.

Mission components include but are not limited to:

  1. Protection of the environment and specific components of the environment, such as the use of non-CFC refrigerants and non-ozone depleting blowing agents, to protect the ozone layer;
  2. Energy efficiency and reduction in energy use, reflected in the design of HVAC systems, lighting systems, the maximum use of natural daylighting, energy conserving building envelops, other resource-conserving building components and systems, and use of incentive schemes offered by local utilities, such as subsidized Green Lights programs, to maximize enery efficiency.
  3. Use of recycled materials, such as insulations made from recycled materials, use of materials that minimize energy input, and use of materials derived from sustainable sources and processes,
  4. Where possible, minimize the use of packaging for building materials and packaging waste, and seek packaging that is readily recyclable,
  5. Use of materials and construction processes that result in good indoor air quality, such as low VOC paints, sealants, adhesives, and finishes.
  6. Water conservation, through low flow shower heads, and toilet room fixtures, landscaping with native species and drip irrigation systems.
  7. Facility design that supports EPA’s active recycling program, including features that provide for the smooth functioning of paper recycling and other recycling programs. Components of this system include collection areas, freight elevators and freight elevator areas, storage areas, and loading facilities thoughtfully designed to handle recycled material flows.
  8. Thoughtful operation and maintenance of the facility after construction to insure good Indoor Air Quality, continuing energy efficiency, and ongoing conservation of natural resources, and
  9. Other energy, material, and pollution prevention initiatives.

There are inherent conflicts and compromises that must be resolved in attaining all these goals. The challenge is to minimize the conflicts and maximize the benefits in this project.

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1.1 Indoor Air Quality

See also Section 6.8 Kansas City SFO

Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62, Ventilation of Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

The HVAC system will be designed to provide 20 CFM of outdoor air per person.

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1.1.1 Paints-See also Attachment B Lump Sum Items

Please provide separate pricing to provide this specification of paint, rather than that specified in Kansas City SFO Section 5.17.

Use of Low VOC latex paint (maximum 150 g/L excluding water) on painted interior wall surfaces.

Exposed metal surfaces are to be painted with 2 coats of Low VOC (maximum level of 250 g/L excluding water) paint products; Glidden Lifemaster Pro High Performance Acrylic coating, 6900 Series, or equivalent are acceptable.

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1.1.2 Wall coverings

See Kansas City SFO Section 5.17

Offeror is to use adhesives containing no formaldehyde or heavy metals.

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1.1.3 Caulks

All caulks shall be lower VOC emitting sealants such as latex acrylic, oleoresins, polysulfides, or silicone products in lieu of solvents based on acrylic sealants, butyl rubber based sealants (such as neoprene), and SBR sealants.

The offeror shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all caulking as soon as possible after award. Where these specified caulks do not provide the adequate performance, contact the contracting officer for approval of substitute products.

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1.1.4 Adhesives and Sealants

All adhesives and sealants employed on the project (including, but not limited to , adhesives for carpet, carpet tile, and plastic laminate, wood adhesives, and sealants) are to be those with lowest Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) contents consistent with price performance, and which meet the requirements of the manufacturer of the products involved or adhered.

The Offeror is to provide the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all adhesives to the contracting officer. Where these specified adhesives and sealants do not provide the adequate performance, contact the contracting officer for approval of substitute products.

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1.1.5 Carpets

See also Kansas City SFO Section 5.25 and 5.27

All carpet will meet the "Green Label" requirements of the Carpet Research Institute ("CRI") as a minimum. All carpet shall be certified as meeting the "Green Label" Requirement.

Carpet Tile and Broadloom: Carpet Content: 0% PVC, 0% 4PC, no SBR latex.

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1.2.1 Finish Installation/Sequencing for Indoor Air Quality Considerations

Special construction scheduling involves defining and controlling sequencing of finishes applications to ensure dissipation of high emissions from the finishes that off-gas unacceptably high quantities of potentially harmful material during curing, and to separate and avoid the installation of adsorptive materials that would act as a "sink" for storage and subsequent release of these unwanted substances into building spaces and mechanical systems after project occupancy. Special procedures involve provision of temporary construction ventilation as well as restrictions and controls on the use of building mechanical systems to prevent contamination by construction wastes and other deleterious substances.

Type 1 Materials and Finishes: Materials and finishes which have a potential for short-term levels of off-gassing from chemicals inherent in their manufacturing process, or which are applied in a form requiring vehicles or carriers for spreading which release a high level of particulate matter in the process of installation and/or curing. Type 1 Finishes include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Composite wood products, specifically including particle board and plywood from which millwork, wood paneling, doors, or furniture may be fabricated.
  2. Adhesives, sealants, and glazing compounds.
  3. Wood preservatives, wood finishes, primers and paints, and paint-like finishes.
  4. Control and/or expansion joint fillers, fire stopping materials, and caulking.
  5. Hard Finishes requirement adhesive installation including but not limited to plastic laminate, linoleum, and rubber tile.
  6. Gypsum board and associated finish processes and products.

Type 2 Finishes: Soft materials and finishes which are woven, fibrous, or porous in nature and may adsorb chemicals off-gassed by Type 1 Finishes, or may be adversely affected by airborne particulates. These materials have the potential to become sinks for deleterious substances which may be released much later, or act as collectors of contaminates that may promote subsequent bacterial growth. Type 2 Finishes include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Carpet and padding, and other woven or fibrous floor finishes.
  2. Fabric wall covering
  3. Insulation materials exposed to the airstream.
  4. Acoustic ceiling materials
  5. Furnishings and fabric coverings

Note: Materials that can be categorized as both Type 1 and Type 2 materials shall be considered Type 1 Materials.

Offeror shall sequence construction to complete off-gassing of Type I materials prior to installation of Type 2 materials during the construction, build out, and finishing of the space and segregate the operation of the HVAC systems so that emissions in works zones do not contaminate areas where construction and installation of Type 2 materials and finishes has been completed.

At a minimum, following completion of installation of Type 1 materials in an area, the facility should be off-gassed for at least 48 hours, unless curing schedules provided by materials manufacturers call for a longer curing process, in which case, an appropriate and longer period for off-gassing should be used. Provide the maximum rate of fresh air to the HVAC system during the off-gassing period.

The HVAC system may be used to move both supply and return air except that permanent return air ductwork or finished plenum systems shall not be used in areas subject to any construction or finish installation work. No recirculating of inside air is permitted -- temporary exhaust systems must be used with exhaust air directly to the outside from the construction area.

Apply all Type 1 interior finishes throughout the entire controlled building segment and allow such finishes to completely cure according to intervals and times stated in respective finish manufacturer’s printed instructions before commencing installation of any Type 2 materials in the same area. Do not store any Type 2 materials in areas where installation or curing of Type 1 Materials is in progress.

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1.2.2 Off-Gassing After Completion of Interior Fit Up/Furniture Installation

At a minimum, following completion of the interior build out and installation of tenant furniture, the facility should be off-gassed for at least 48 hours prior to occupancy. Provide the maximum rate of fresh air to the HVAC system while maintaining other normal operating parameters and conditions regarding humidity and temperature.

Where construction and finish work is being performed in portions of a building while other parts of the building are being occupied, each construction and finish work area shall be segregated from the HVAC system so that exhaust from the construction and finish work area does not enter into the HVAC system and contaminate parts of the building where construction and finish work and/or furniture installation is complete.

HVAC ductwork should be sealed and protected from dust and dirt infiltration during construction, especially for dust generating activities such as gypsum wall board finishing and sanding.

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1.2.3 Balancing Report

To assure compliance with recognized standards for indoor air quality including ASHRAE Standard 62-1989, the Contractor’s independent testing and balancing agency shall verify the performance of each HVAC system including space temperature and space humidity uniformity, outside air quantity, filter installation, drain pan operation, and any obvious contamination sources.

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1.2.4 HVAC - Considerations

Air Intakes -- Air intakes for ventilation purposes shall be located ways from any possible contamination by adjacent buildings exhausts, building relief air, plumbing vents, vehicular exhausts, or similar exhausts or discharges. Ventilating Air intakes shall be of such design that they are inherently protected from bird or bat access and droppings or other contamination. Air intake and air exhaust will be separated to the maximum extent feasible, for example, locating all exhaust on the roof and all intake on the sides of the building where not fouled by exhaust or other local conditions.

The following rooms should be exhausted to the outside and have negative pressures:

  1. Copy Rooms, Copy Center, Satellite Copy Centers, Records Center Copy Area
  2. Toilet Rooms
  3. Break Rooms
  4. Battery/Rectifier/UPS Room
  5. Diesel Generator Rooms
Copy Room and Break Room area HVAC.

All copy and break rooms are to be provided with mechanical exhaust systems ducted to the exterior of the building or other acceptable exhaust plenum with no recirculation to building supply air. Supply and exhaust air volumes for these room types are to be balanced to provide a negative pressure in accordance with good design practice to reduce the spread of odors and contaminants throughout the building.

Toilet Rooms

All toilet rooms are to be provided with mechanical exhaust systems ducted to the exterior of the building or other exhaust plenum with no recirculation to building air supply. Supply and exhaust air volumes for these rooms are to be balanced to provide a negative pressure in accordance with good design practice to reduce the spread of odors and contaminants throughout the building.

Battery/Rectifier/UPS Room

All Battery/Rectifier/UPS rooms are to be provided with mechanical exhaust systems ducted to the exterior of the building or other exhaust plenum with no recirculation to building air supply. Supply and exhaust air volumes for these rooms are to be balanced to provide a negative pressure in accordance with good design practice to reduce the spread of odors and contaminants throughout the building.

The exhaust for the Battery/Rectifier/UPS room must be connected to the emergency power system. Battery room must be exhausted at a minimum of three air changes per hour.

Diesel Generator Room

Air supply and exhaust should be located so air does not short circuit.

Generator exhaust must be carried up to roof level in a flue or exhausted by way of a vault located away from any building wall. Horizontal exhaust through the building wall is not permitted.

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1.2.5 HVAC Sound Insulation

All HVAC sound insulation should be located on the exterior of HVAC ductwork to prevent particle contamination or opportunities for molds and other organisms to grow within the HVAC system.

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1.4.1 Asbestos

See also Kansas City SFO Section 9.12

The building housing the space and space offered under this prospectus shall not contain asbestos or asbestos-containing materials (ACM). The use of asbestos or products containing asbestos is prohibited in this project.

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1.5.1 Other Prohibited Materials

The use of asbestos-containing materials , products containing urea formaldehyde and polychlorinated biphenyls, solder or flux containing more than 0.2 percent lead, domestic water pipe fittings containing more than 8 percent lead, paints containing Mercury, and paint containing more than 0.06 percent lead are prohibited.

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1.6.1 Rodent and Pest Control Products

When using insecticides, fungicides, and rodenticides, careful planning and monitoring shall be used to avoid misapplication or in appropriate timing of application. Materials shall be carefully selected to minimize air levels of irritating substances. The Offeror’s design shall minimize the need for on-going pesticide applications by selection of appropriate materials and construction details during design (examples are materials not subject to attack by micro-organisms and design details that do not provide locations for pests to hide, colonize, or move about).

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2.1 Landscaping

See alsoKansas City SFO 4.10 and 8.13

Existing trees should be used to provide shade and wind breaks, insulation, and humidity control for building external surfaces. Also, the Lessor shall:

(A) Provide the site landscaped with trees to help remove carbon dioxide from the air and, where possible, vegetation that requires minimal watering, but is aesthetically compatible with the design. Offerors are required to identify the names, ages, and number of trees in their submission.

(B) Provide a facility that is visually and physically related to the adjacent context. The facility orientation shall take maximum advantage of outside views.

C) Provide a facility design that take into consideration opportunities to gain energy efficiency through orientation, massing, and use of appropriate building and landscaping materials.

(D) Water usage shall be minimized where possible by the use of indigenous plant species.

(E) A drip irrigation system for exterior landscaping shall be used wherever feasible.

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3.1 Use of Recycled Construction Materials

Under Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Agency has set guidelines for federal, state, and local procuring agencies, using appropriated federal funds, to purchase items composed of the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable. The Agency desire that its facility follow the guidelines for "Comprehensive Guideline for Procurement of Products Containing Recovered Materials: Final Rule -- 40 CFR Part 247 (Federal Register Monday, May 1, 1995) and Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (SWH-FRL- 5198-8) Federal Register Monday, May 1, 1995.

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3.2 Use of Recovered Materials in Building Insulation Products

This clause applies to building insulation products used in the construction of ceiling, floors, foundations, and walls, and includes blanket, board, spray-in-place and loose-fill insulations.

(B) The Agency’s minimum content standard for recovered material in building insulation products is set forth below.

Material Type Percent by Weight
Cellulose Loose-fill and spray on 75% post consumer recovered paper
Fiberglass 20% Glass Cullet
Perlite composition board 23% post -consumer recovered paper
Plastic Rigid Foam, polyisocyanurate/polyurethane: rigid foam 9% recovered material
Foam-in-place 5% recovered material
Glass fiber reinforced 6% recovered material
Phenolic rigid foam 5% recovered material
Rock Wool 75% recovered material

Note: The minimum content standards are based on the weight of the material (not volume) in the insulating core only.

In the case of Fiberglass Insulation, products shall meet the requirements established in ASTM standard specification D5359, "Glass Cullet Recovered from Waste for Use in Manufacture of Glass Fiber"

The Offeror shall include as a design consideration the Agency’s preference for the use of building insulation produced with recovered materials. The Offeror shall specify the type of building insulation products to be supplied and shall justify in writing the basis of the selected product type if it is not listed above, or if any products listed above has a higher minimum content standard than the selected products.

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3.3 Use of Fly Ash as a Partial Replacement for Cement in Concrete

Consistent with the performance requirements of cement and concrete products required elsewhere in this SFO and Rider and all applicable state, local, and other building codes, the contractor shall use Fly Ash, a finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of coal, as a partial replacement for cement in concrete to the maximum extent practicable within the given constraints of cost and performance and in accordance with ANSI/ASTM Standards and all applicable codes.

For additional information on the use of Fly Ash see also:

Cement Specifications
ASTM C 595 Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements
ASTM C 150 Standard Specifications for Portland Cement
AASHTO M 240 Blended Hydraulic Cements
Concrete Specifications
ASTM C 618 Standard Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete.
ASTM C 311 Standard Methods of Sampling and Testing Fly Ash and Natural Pozzolans for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete.
ASTM C 989 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete Mortars.
AASHTO M 302 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars

American Concrete Institute Standard Practice ACI 226.RI

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as a Cementitous Constituent in Concrete

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3.4 Gypsum Wallboard

All gypsum wallboard utilized for new or renovated partitions or wall surfaces under this SFO shall have a minimum recycled content (pre-or post-consumer) as follows: 50% for face paper.

To the maximum extent practicable without sacrificing functional or price performance, under this SFO, Gypsum Wallboard containing recovered gypsum filler material shall be used in accordance with and applicable ANSI/ASTM Standards. All gypsum wallboard shall be equivalent to standard, commercial grade, locally available products. Without sacrificing cost or product performance, all joint compound materials are to have the lowest VOC possible and shall not contain any antifreeze.

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4.1 Basic Building Design

The Offeror shall, at a minimum, meet the energy efficiency performance standards at 10 CFR 435 or ASHRAE Standard 90.1 using the perspective methods. Thermal insulation shall be inside the perimeter wall. Wall heat capacity shall be calculated by the Offeror based on the mass and the specific facing materials offered.

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4.2 Plumbing

See Kansas City SFO 6.4 and 6.5

For all new plumbing fixtures in new or renovated restrooms, Offeror shall provide low flow plumbing fixtures (i.e. 1.5 gallons per flush for toilets and urinals, and .5 gallons per minute for all faucet aerators).

All exposed plumbing below lavatory basin/counter tops is to be adequately protected for user safety. Hot water supply piping exceeding 100 feet in length from the heating source shall be insulated. Recirculating hot water piping shall be insulated its entire length.

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4.3Green Lights

See Kansas City SFO 6.16

2’ by 4' florescent fixtures with T-8 lamps, and electronic ballast shall also have interior reflective surfaces.

Compact flourescents shall be used in place of incandescent bulbs for accent lighting and down-lighting

Exit lighting shall utilize energy efficient illumination.

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4.4 Occupancy Sensors/Switches

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See Kansas City SFO 6.17

In general, lighting will be controlled by occupant sensors arranged to control open areas of 1,000 sf or less, and within individual offices, conference rooms, and general use rooms. The control system will provide an optimal mix of infrared and ultrasonic sensors suitable to the configuration and type of space. Conference room controls will be arranged to provide manual over-ride switches. The zone extending from all glazed perimeter walls shall be additionally controlled by light level sensors coordinated with the occupant sensors and connected to dimmers adjusted to maintain 50 foot candles at desk surface levels. Control systems are to include controllers and associated devices necessary for the operation of the system. In areas where a combination of task and ambient lighting is required, 20 foot-candles, at a minimum, shall be delivered by ambient systems.

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4.5 Heating and Air Conditioning

Add to 6.7

Offeror must provide a plan to the government for phase out of CFC uses, eliminating releases of CFC’s into the atmosphere, and providing containment and recycling of CFC’s as required under the Clear Air Act. New Air Conditioning and refrigeration equipment to be provided under this lease shall employ non-CFC refrigerants.

New, upgraded, or retrofitted HVAC systems shall meet, at a minimum, the energy efficiency performance criteria as outlined in 10 CFR 435. All new equipment shall meet or exceed Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute efficiency levels of .60 kW/ton.

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4.6 Efficiency of Supply Air Filtration

Add to Kansas City SFO 6.7

If supply air filtration is required, it shall be provided by high efficiency filters having a minimum efficiency rating of 40% as determined by the Dust Spot Efficiency Test of ASHRAE Standard 52-76.

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4.7 Direct Digital Monitoring

Add at Kansas City SFO 6.8

The BAS shall utilize a direct digital control system to accomplish building system monitoring, energy management, and work space environmental management. All system sensors, actuators, graphics and systems reports shall be available to the government through a linking system gateway or other interface which allows the Agency to acquire monitoring data only. The Lessee shall not have access to any control devices. The Offeror shall ensure that the gateway or interface ensures compatibility with government hardware and software configurations.

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4.8 Exterior Windows

See Kansas City SFO 5.13

Add: All windows in exterior wall shall be fixed type aluminum of thermo-break design. All windows shall be heavy duty commercial window units, shall be double glazed with interior insulating low-e glass and sealed airspace between panes.

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5.1Base See also Attachment B Lump Sum Items

Please provide separate pricing to provide this specification of paints, above that called for in SFO Section 5.11 and 5.13.

All base for all floors shall be rubber (not vinyl) cove base with pre-molded corners. Roope Rubber Cove Base 1/8" gauge, 4" height, or equivalent product acceptable to contracting officer.

A:kcrid 11/14/95

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