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Brownfields and Sustainable Development:
Building a Clean Future

Among the many opportunities presented in the restoration of Brownfields properties, none is as exciting as the chance to redevelop in ways that are both profitable for the community and restorative for the environment over the long term. In the language of our day, such (re)development is called "sustainable development."

Other Region 8 information about Sustainable Development

Brownfields and Sustainability: Making the Link

Sustainable development is a journey of sorts, marked by incremental advances in both thought and action. In essence, sustainable development is a way to redefine community prosperity by realizing that economic, environmental, and social issues are interdependent and of equal importance. This holistic approach considers numerous costs and benefits that are not included in the traditional decision-making process. Approaching redevelopment in this way helps ensure that past mistakes, such as the creation of brownfields, are not repeated. Sustainable development promises more efficient resource use and thus more profitable economic activity on former brownfields sites than is possible with traditional approaches. As a result, communities can turn brownfields into models of sustainability while still meeting and potentially surpassing their economic development goals.

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Tools for Success

Across the country, property developments and redevelopments of all kinds - residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and mixed-use - have generated a wealth of sustainable development success stories. Brownfields communities and other stakeholders can draw upon these success stories and adapt them to their own unique site characteristics and broad development goals. EPA is prepared to assist Brownfields Pilot partners in their efforts to identify and explore the full range of sustainable development tools available for consideration. Below are just some of the many opportunities that exist to sustainably reuse brownfields:

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Next Steps for Your Brownfields Community

EPA Brownfields and Sustainable Development staff are available to work with Brownfields Project communities to identify "green development" opportunities most compatible with restoration and redevelopment of brownfields properties.

For more information on sustainable development and Brownfields, please contact:

David Schaller,
Sustainable Development Coordinator
EPA Region 8
Email: schaller.david@epa.gov
Phone: (303) 312-6146

For more information on sustainable development visit:

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