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Riparian Ecosystems of Central Asia

Research Task: 8327CMZ.8.0
Task Manager: Pat Shafroth

River systems in Central Asia have been well-studied by scientists in the Former Soviet Union (FSU), but their work has been largely inaccessible to English-speaking North American scientists. Like their North American counterparts, rivers and associated vegetation and wildlife in Central Asia have undergone tremendous change as a result of water management, agriculture and grazing. Important applied aspects of studies of Central Asian systems include the ecology of species native to Central Asia but invasive in North America (e.g., tamarisk, Russian-olive), and riparian restoration approaches (technology transfer from the U.S. to FSU). The objective of this task is to develop and edit a book on riparian ecosystems of Central Asia in collaboration with FSU scientists. The book will present an interdisciplinary synthesis of the state-of-the-science of Central Asian rivers and riparian vegetation. Proposed chapters/topics include (1) geography, climate, hydrology, geomorphology of Central Asian Rivers; (2) riparian vegetation of Central Asian rivers, including description, classification, distributions, and natural dynamics; (3) wildlife associated with Central Asian rivers; (4) anthropogenic changes to Central Asian rivers and their effects on riparian vegetation and associated wildlife; (5) restoration of Central Asian riparian vegetation, including case studies and lessons learned from other semi-arid regions; and (6) comparative ecology of riparian taxa native to Central Asia and invasive in North America. The final two chapters in particular will be co-authored by USGS scientists.

 For more information contact Pat Shafroth

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