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Training and Technical Assistance for Public Lands Management and Planning

Research Task: 8327CMG.1.0
Task Manager: Rick Schroeder

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) requires assistance in several aspects of Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) development, such as incorporating sound science, training, and development of policy and guidance documents. Passage of the 1997 Refuge Improvement Act requires the FWS to develop CCPs for over 500 units of the National Wildlife Refuge System. The law and subsequent policies call for these plans to be based on sound science and to contain specific, measurable biological objectives. This task involves working with FWS to improve the biological portions of the national Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Planning course. This includes developing an online version of the CCP course, providing scientific review of draft CCPs as requested by FWS, collaborating with FWS to complete the Preplanning Handbook for FWS review, and developing materials for and helping conduct regional or Service-wide workshops on biological components of CCPs. FORT staff also work with individual refuges on specific wildlife, habitat, and vegetation issues related to completion of CCPs.

 For more information contact Rick Schroeder

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