Fort Collins Science Center

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Natural Resources Model and Tool Development

Research Task: 8327CKZ.2.0
Task Manager: Sharon Campbell

FORT scientists have developed or assisted with a variety of ongoing decision support applications for FORT clients. Application enhancements, troubleshooting, and training are required on an intermittent as well as a more sustained basis as specific proposals are funded. This task involves enhancing several FORT software products, such as the Stream Impact Assessment Model (SIAM), and assisting DOI and other clients with assessments, peer review, and referral. Development work will continue on the Wood River Resources Assessment Tool (WRRAT), a land-use modeling product. WRRAT will help clients gain the participation of willing landowners in implementing best management practices to reduce phosphorus loading to Upper Klamath Lake from the Wood River valley. This modeling tool is currently a very basic prototype that has a constructed database. Obtaining true-cost estimates for various management practices and adding water quality data are the next steps in WRRAT development. Development work also continues on SIAM and other modeling tools that aid in planning actions for restoring salmon above some of the hydropower dams on the Klamath River. Cooperators include U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fishery biologists from the Yreka and Arcata, California, field offices.

 For more information contact Sharon Campbell

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