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NBII Metadata Services

Research Task: 8327CKW.3.0
Task Manager: Diane Schneider

Metadata is created to document, organize, and maintain information about research projects, datasets, and scientific publications to help people locate the data they need and evaluate whether or how best to use it. Metadata also preserves data history so datasets can be re-used or adapted as needed after the producer is no longer available. In support of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII), FORT serves as the national contact for quality control of hundreds of metadata files submitted by numerous public and private data providers for serving on the NBII Clearinghouse Principal Node. FORT staff also review submitted files to be served on other nodes. Files are reviewed for the quality of content as well as syntax and conformance to the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard and Biological Data Profile (BDP). Following review, we provide feedback and enhanced files to many submitters to address missing information or errors and to improve understanding of requirements for better conformance in subsequent submissions.

 For more information contact Diane Schneider

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