Fort Collins Science Center

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Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI)

Research Task: 3214A90.5.0
Task Manager: Erin Muths

Declines of amphibian populations of varying severity have been observed for many years. Recently, frameworks have been developed to guide amphibian monitoring programs to detect trends on a national scale. FORT biologists conducting amphibian monitoring in Rocky Mountain National Park are using these guidelines for developing sampling designs, establishing linkages to external data on stressors, and choosing appropriate analyses to ensure that collected data is compatible with data from other regions participating in USGS' ARMI program. The primary goal of this task is to examine the status and trends of amphibian populations in the park and surrounding areas in Colorado and Wyoming. This research will contribute to the overarching goals of ARMI as set forth in the National Plan. In addition, this task will generate useful information about the amphibian chytrid fungus and possibly other diseases, including development of a method of environmental testing for chytrid fungus in amphibian habitats. Short-term results could have immediate consequences for declining amphibians in the park.

 For more information contact Erin Muths

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