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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ETA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart L  

What Requirements Must a Facility Meet to Employ H-1C Nonimmigrant Workers as Registered Nurses?

20CFR655.1112 - Element II--What does ``no adverse effect on wages and working conditions'' mean?

  • Section Number: 655.1112
  • Section Name: Element II--What does ``no adverse effect on wages and working conditions'' mean?

    (a) The second attestation element requires that the facility 
attest that ``the employment of the alien will not adversely affect the 
wages and working conditions of registered nurses similarly employed.''
    (b) For purposes of this program, ``employment'' is full-time 
employment as defined in Sec. 655.1102; part-time employment of H-1C 
nurses is not authorized.
    (c) Wages. To meet the requirement of no adverse effect on wages, 
the facility must attest that it will pay each nurse employed by the 
facility at least the prevailing wage for the occupation in the 
geographic area. The facility must pay the higher of the wage required 
under this paragraph or the wage required under Sec. 655.1113 (i.e., 
the third attestation element: facility wage).
    (1) Collectively bargained wage rates. Where wage rates for nurses 
at a facility are the result of arms-length collective bargaining, 
those rates shall be considered ``prevailing'' for that facility for 
the purposes of this subpart.
    (2) State employment security determination. In the absence of 
collectively bargained wage rates, the facility may not independently 
determine the prevailing wage. The State employment security agency 
(SESA) shall determine the prevailing wage for similarly employed 
nurses in the geographic area in accordance with administrative 
guidelines or regulations issued by ETA. The facility shall request the 
appropriate prevailing wage from the SESA not more than 90 days prior 
to the date the Attestation is submitted to ETA. Once a facility 
obtains a prevailing wage determination from the SESA and files an 
Attestation supported by that prevailing wage determination, the 
facility shall be deemed to have accepted the prevailing wage 
determination as accurate and appropriate (as to both the occupational 
classification and the wage rate) and thereafter shall not contest the 
legitimacy of the prevailing wage determination in an investigation or 
enforcement action pursuant to subpart M. A facility may challenge a 
SESA prevailing wage determination through the Employment Service 
complaint system. See 20 CFR part 658, subpart M. A facility which 
challenges a SESA prevailing wage determination must obtain a final 
ruling from the Employment Service prior to filing an Attestation. Any 
such challenge shall not require the SESA to divulge any employer wage 
data which was collected under the promise of confidentiality.
    (3) Total compensation package. The prevailing wage under this 
paragraph relates to wages only. Employers are cautioned that each item 
in the total compensation package for U.S. nurses, H-1C, and other 
nurses employed by the facility must be the same within a given 
facility, including such items as housing assistance and fringe 
    (4) Documentation of pay and total compensation. The facility must 
maintain in its public access file a copy of the prevailing wage, which 
shall be either the collective bargaining agreement or the 
determination that was obtained from the SESA. The facility must 
maintain payroll records, as specified in Sec. 655.1113, and make such 
records available to the Administrator in the event of an enforcement 
action pursuant to subpart M.
    (d) Working conditions. To meet the requirement of no adverse 
effect on working conditions, the facility must attest that it will 
afford equal treatment to U.S. and H-1C nurses with the same seniority, 
with respect to such working conditions as the number and scheduling of 
hours worked (including shifts, straight days, weekends); vacations; 
wards and clinical rotations; and overall staffing-patient patterns. In 
the event of an enforcement action pursuant to subpart M, the facility 
must provide evidence substantiating compliance with this attestation.
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