USGS Projects in Afghanistan

USGS Projects in Afghanistan

Geospatial Infrastructure Development Photo Gallery
Khandahar (3164) Photo Collection
Bob Bohannon - Khandahar (3164)
Khandahar (3164) Photo Collection - Photos (13) →
Zabul(3266) Photo Collection
Bob Bohannon - Zabul(3266)
Zabul(3266) Photo Collection - Photos (98) →
Ghazni(3368) Photo Collection
Bob Bohannon - Ghazni (3368)
Ghazni(3368) Photo Collection - Photos (29) →
Bamian(3466) Photo Collection
Bob Bohannon - Bamian(3466)
Bamian(3466) Photo Collection - Photos (167) →
Kabul (3468) Photo Collection
Bob Bohannon - Kabul (3468)
Kabul (3468) Photo Collection - Photos (492) →
Panjsher(3568) Photo Collection
Bob Bohannon - Panjsher(3568)
Panjsher(3568) Photo Collection - Photos (154) →
USGS Geopatial Index Map Meeting
USGS Geopatial Index Map Meeting - Photos (2) →
New AGS Building (Dec 2005)
New AGS Building (Dec 2005) - Photos (9) →
Minister of Mines and Industries Visit (6 March 2005)
Minister of Mines and Industries Visit (6 March 2005) - Photos (8) →
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Presentation Kabul, Afghanistan 17-19 July 2006
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Presentation Kabul, Afghanistan 17-19 July 2006 - Photos (9) →
New AGS Building
New AGS Building - Photos (5) →

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