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Brownfields Training, Research,
and Technical Assistance Grant
Fact Sheet

Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute


EPA's Brownfields Program empowers states, communities, and other stakeholders to work together to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfields. A brownfield site is real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. EPA funds eligible applicants through assistance agreements to provide training, research, and technical assistance to facilitate brownfields revitalization.


The Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute (HMTRI) was established in 1987 by two Iowa community colleges that have long been active in environmental health and safety education and training. HMTRI promotes worker protection and the maintenance of a clean and safe environment through education and training. HMTRI offers and promotes educational opportunities, partnerships, and training programs related to brownfields cleanup and redevelopment.


Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute

Project Focus:
Technical Assistance for Establishing Equitable and Sustainable Brownfields Job Training Programs

Project Period:
October 2008 to September 2013

Estimated Annual Funding Amount:

Project Description:
HMTRI will establish the Brownfields to Greenfields Program to provide assistance to communities across the country in establishing equitable and sustainable brownfields job development and training programs. The project's objectives are to provide Professional Learning Communities with support to train residents for jobs in brownfields economic development programs and conduct annual forums for community participants with established brownfields job development and environmental training programs. The project will provide community residents with education and information regarding sustainable, renewable, and green practices. It also will update and expand the "Brownfields Job Development Toolbox and Trainers Resource" web site to provide instruction, networking, and resource materials to brownfields grantees, stakeholders, and other interested individuals.


For further information, including specific grant contacts, additional grant information, brownfields news and events, and publications and links, visit the EPA Brownfields web site or call 202-566-2777.

Visit the Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute web siteExit EPA Disclaimer for further information about its brownfields technical assistance activities. For more information about this project, call 563-336-3331.

* The information presented in this fact sheet comes from the grant proposal; EPA cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. The implementation plan for the grant has not yet been finalized. Therefore, activities described in this fact sheet are subject to change.

EPA 560-F-08-281
September 2008
United States
Protection Agency
Washington, D.C. 20460
Solid Waste
and Emergency
Response (5105T)

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